I’ve recently noticed that Chrome started to be really slow in SunSpider 1.0 JavaScript Benchmark, namely in format-tofte subtest. After some experimenting I’ve found out that the problem is caused by Avast Script and Behavior Shield.
Here are relevant sunspider results depending on which shields were turned on or off.
Both Script and Behavior Shields on
date: 1288.7ms +/- 3.2%
format-tofte: 1278.7ms +/- 3.2%
format-xparb: 10.0ms +/- 4.8%
Behavior on, Script off
date: 508.6ms +/- 2.7%
format-tofte: 499.4ms +/- 2.8%
format-xparb: 9.2ms +/- 3.3%
Both Script and Behavior Shields off
date: 16.2ms +/- 3.5%
format-tofte: 7.6ms +/- 4.9%
format-xparb: 8.6ms +/- 4.3%
I’m running Win 7 x64, chrome version 27.0.1453.110 m with no extensions enabled, Avast 8.0.1489, virus definition 130606-0.