Avast slows down the browser drastically


first of all: Thank you in advance for every kind of help.

I’ve got the following problem. As long as I run avast it completely slows down the usage of firefox or IE.

Every other internet based application (games, flashget, msn, downloads in IE or FF) are running at full speed, it just slows down every page I address.

As soon as I switch off Avast the speed goes up to normal. Has anybody a solution for this?


I encountered the exact same thing when I first used avast. What I did was I terminated the web scanning then started it again. Did a reboot and the problem was gone. I have no idea what that did exactly but it worked for me. Hope it’ll work for you too.


which operating system and firewall are you using?

Maybe you can try to turn off the firewall

Which firewall do you use?
Did you have any other antivirus before avast?