I just downloaded Avast antivirus free version. I have Windows XP SP3. I ran the Smart Scan, but it doesn’t seem there is a way for the user to select which items are corrected. For instance, under programs that are slowing down your PC, the Smart Scan highlighted my firewall. I happen to want to keep my firewall. How can I get Smart Scan to only alter the things I want?
Another example: Under unnecessary or ‘junk’ files, the Scan lists my Restore Points. I want to keep the Restore Points. Is there any way to select the things I want to obliterate, without blowing up everything identified?
I appreciate any pointers on this issue. Thanks very much.
Which you will find here (avast version 18.4.2338):
AvastUI > Menu (top right of window) > Settings > General > Smart Scan - expand and uncheck the functions you don’t want to scan.
Thanks for the replies. However, they don’t really answer my questions. The only adjustable/customized setting for Smart Scan is the Virus Scan. In the Performance Issue scan, for instance, it’s either On or Off. I don’t see any way to exclude my firewall.
Is it not possible to make these adjustments? Does Smart Scan only permit wholesale deletions?