My wifes free trial of mcaffee on her new Dell just expired. First time she tried to get on the internet the security on mcaffee wouldn’t let her online because the licence was expired. I uninstalled all the pieces of mcaffee. Try to go online but the system keep shuting down because of a problem with lsass. Guess what she had? So I downloaded Avast! virus cleaner onto my old pentium 2. Copied it onto floppy and ran it on her new laptop. It found the Win32:Sasser -B virus and 5 copies of the install file for it. After virus clear was done, I download the security updates from Microsoft and avast! 4 Home to her system. Didn’t go anywhere else. After the install I ran a thorough scan of her hard drive and found 3 more viruses! Since the only time she tried to go online without mcaffee was the time sasser showed up she didn’t have a chance to get the viruses after mcaffee was gone. Must have slipped by them like the other viruses avast found. But now she has avast and I set her up with zonealarm so she’s finally protected by something reliable. Also I had installed Spybot about 3 weeks ago. She couldn’t believe all the crap it found. Now she finally believes me, lol. ;D
Good job. Resistence is futile… ;D
I’m glad to hear that hehe ;D
PS: If you want i can shrink your avatar,because its quiet (too) big.
Please do shrink it. I noticed it was too big and was thinking of taking it off. But if you could shrink it I would appreciate it very much.
Here’s the image Hope you know how to insert it right?
Image is resized,corrected(black text in the bottom removed) and fully optimized so its the smallest possible. Also its width is the same as mine.
Great job, thanks!
The easiest way to fix a windows problem is to load Linux
I think there is at least one active member here that would disagree with that statement. Right Mac
- Love to have a mac but I am stuck with this old pentuim 2. So until I can afford a new system or mac starts selling an os for intel machines, I’m stuck.