Avast some font bug?

Anyone knows what could be the possiblity of this having asian characters, altough its a minor bug was curious.
(I never changed my OS language)

If you go to Control Panel / Region and language / Administrative - what does the lower group (Language for non-Unicode programs) say?

I have that ad in Portuguese also and I don’t have that problem.

I can’t test as I have the Pro version…

It was Portuguese/Portugal, i changed to English/ United Kingdom and fixed the issue lol…

Thanks for mentioning it.

What happens if you restore the Portugal after that? Does the error come back?
You can try my Portuguese (Brazil) translation? It’s not that bad ;D

So far the error doesnt come back, maybe after an update it might come back
but since it doesnt make any diference to me, having the unicode set to that, shall leave as it is ;D

I had the same bug in french ads but now its look fixed so i wont talk more about this. :wink:

Also its the Free like you…