After having many freezes when downloading the txt , i find (from a post here) that its the sound initialization causing it.Sure enough if i disable avast sounds ,no more freezes or problems.So to my question.Is this an avast bug? as i notice many users dont have such problems or an OS/soundcard problem?
Is this Win9x / ME?
I would definitely not call it an avast bug – it simply freezes in the Windows API function that is responsible for playing WAV files. I’d say it’s most likely a soundcard driver problem…
I’ve never seen this behavior on an NT-based machine…
Thanks for reply Vik,
Yes its a w98se machine, and its a basic soundmax soundcard.The computers 4 years old but theres no updated drivers other than what im using.Do you think a smaller .wav file would work? …i may try and see.
thanks again
I doubt changing the wav could help in any way…
I’d say it’s a timing problem.
I guess you’ll have to live without the siren – it’s not that cool anyway – ot is it?
Haha ,the sirens not that cool , but the ladys voice does something for me …ill try experimenting with different wav files and different locations.Thanks again for your time
I’ve seen several problems with the old soundmax drivers. Sofar I was able to solve all of them with newer drivers or a fresh installation of the os. I’m not saying you should do a fresh isntallation of the os! See if you can find newer drivers first! Sometimes even older drivers than the ones you have can solve the problem.
This site is good start to see if there are newer drivers for this particular card.
Another site worthwhile to check is