Avast spam filter integration with Mozilla Thunderbird?

Any official plans for this feature?

Having this type of integration would not only make the program itself better and more complete, but would also allow users to contribute by marking email spam making AIS better at detecting it. As things are now, we’re limited to manually entering spam addresses or relying on avast to do it’s work perfectly, which is impossible. I know Mcafee, Eset and Norton have this, so hopefully it’s planed for the near future…

It would be a great thing: an antispam module in POP3 email clients and not only in Outlook.

+1 not really needed with Gmail and Thunderbird native spam filters, but at least I could do something with that Avast spam filter ;D

ps: but again, okay for POP for those still using that, but for IMAP it requires skills that very few third party spam filtering software have… I actually know only one that does the job, or at least tries to…