Avast spam page on firefox. YES IT IS SPAM.

Every time I open fire fox some uneeded and unecessary page opens up. I am not reducing my security and privacy by enabling cookies on my computer. AVAST, whoever did this needs to be kicked in the crotch, man or woman, effect is the same. This is annoying and spam.

AVAST needs to simply remove this garbage spam page. I shouldn’t have to allow security exceptions to to allow my security software to not annoy me to death. I miss the old avast an unobtrusive hard working little software that wasn’t bloated with resource eating.

I fear that AVAST is going the way of norton, and mcaffee which is to say spammy to big for their collective britches, and not that great a software.

I hyped this software for about 10 years now but this year it has caused so many issues with my main computer uses, it also has more and more bloat. It is just becoming a not good AV. I have to stop suggesting this as an AV for a while and see if I can find another good company that hasn’t grown big enough to lose control of their purpose.

Please someone at AVAST hear me I am an old user. (Not age, loyalty.) Yeah I am on free for now but I paid for years when you guys were the old AVAST. This new one is too in your face and bloated. Please remember KISS in future upgrade. Please remove silly pages that pop up incessantly on my browser. Please go back to being a software company I can yell to the highest mountains about again.

I just registered so dont expect this post to be all that helpful, but are you sure that spam page is caused by avast?

Noone is forcing you to use FireFox.
Opera doesn’t have this problem.

I’m using the latest version of FF and I’m not seeing any “spam.”

Wonderful supportive and helpful answer …

Just like the one here …

Lessons on how to upset customers even further and drive them away . Evangelism at its best .

If you choose to be paranoid about cookies you must accept some consequences.

Allow site cookies, block third party cookies.

My advice is to do a custom install, deselect everything in the central column,
and just install the shields.

The direction the product is going in is obvious; you don’t have to participate, however.

PS don’t forget to deselect Google Chrome.

@ latias1290 Yes I am sure it is avast it is a built in extension for fire fox http://aos.avast.com/upgrade/2006 is the page

@Eddy opera doesn’t have all of my privacy addons. If avast has an extension for opera which I doubt then you would get it every time you clear your cookies.

For both of the above this is also discussed in another topic. I am repeatedly getting the popup because I delete cookies every single time I open and close FF. To be clear every time I go to a page that requires log in credentials I close firefox before opening another login page or another page at all… Preventing data mining as much as I possibly can.

@midnight You don’t clear cookies every session.

@AdrianH I thank you for being helpful. However I don’t think it is grimefighter. It is the link above which is unique to having avast and firefox… because FF allows you to have so many extensions. The avast extension advises you of malicious sites in searches before you click on links. Now it has the privacy thing linked above.

@paul_d that is not a solution nor constructive. and no my security should not have consequences that are unnecessary. All they have to do is remove whatever it is they did to the extension. Please stop using your copy and paste troll post.

@davexnet This sounds like what I might need to do. Does this option allow for scans and boot scans as well without all the other unnecessary items?

My current solution is to remove the avast add-on extension from firefox… I shouldn’t have to do that. The avast writers should realize that FF users are probably a little more paranoid, security conscious, capable users than the easy mode browser users.

I think I’m having the same gosh damn problem. This, coupled with the last one I’ve had, and am still having, that even after contacting Avast, creating a support ticket, sending them numerous support packages from my computer, and of which still hasn’t been fixed or resolved, I’m fed up with Avast and CAN NOT FRIGGIN’ wait until my subscription ends.

As for the comment, no one is forcing us to use Firefox? You’re right. No one is forcing us. It’s a choice, it’s our choice and we’ve chosen to use it and it;s really none of your concern. Sorry, I’m fed up. And whether or not we use it isn’t your business and it’s not the problem. The problem is Avast. And I think the problem is Avast is utilized more for and or geared more for that intrusive company and their products, in this case specifically, the product google chrome. Which I refuse to use because google is intrusive.

But I digress. And sorry, I’m pissed and as I said, I’M FED UP WITH AVAST!

Anyhow, ever since the last update, program update that is, I’m getting a second tab opening up when I first open Firefox v. 28.0. I’ve clicked the settings link in that page, unchecked the participate in community data collecting, or whatever the hell it is, as well as another item. I clicked save and it NEVER FRIGGIN’ SAVES IT! Every time I open Firefox, where it be that same day, the next day, or whatever, that damn tab opens telling me about the changes to Avast.

And what’s weird, it says or has upgrade/2006 in the link. 2006? really? WTF! Here’s the web address… http://aos.avast.com/upgrade/2006 Copy and paste it into your browsers address bar and you’ll see what I see EVERY TIME I OPEN FIREFOX. And it isn’t what I see that has me pissed. What has me pissed is I can’t get it to stop opening. If you open the page, you’ll see a couple links to the same place. One says settings page and the other, further below that one, says enable and disable services in settings. They both take you to the same place. I’ve clicked both and unchecked the same things I want unchecked in both, clicked save in both and it seems to only save the settings I’ve changed until I close my browser. Then, the next time I open my browser, I have to do the same gosh damn shit all over again. After a week or so of having to do and go through this, I’m fed up and pissed. I’m sick of these little problems.

Sorry for my obvious attitude, frustration and anger. But I’m fed up. Ever since the upgrade to Avast 2014, Avast has been nothing but a royal pain in my ass! And I can’t wait to get rid of it. If they gave me a full refund today, I’d uninstall it, remove my trace/s of it in the registry and I’d do so as soon as the friggin’ check cleared!

And for those who will chime in telling me to start my own thread or say not to use another persons thread to vent, BITE ME! If the problem I’m having pertains to or is the same problem they’re having, I’m chiming in. Don’t like it, oh well.

This was annoying me too, so I decided to try and get rid of it.

First I tried GreaseMonkey, but I found that the scripts do not have permission to close the web page.

Then I tried writing an Extension (add-on), it seems to work for me on Linux and Windows :slight_smile: Note that the tab still loads, but the extension blows it away before too long.

Here is a link to it, has not yet been reviewed at the moment: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/auto-close-tab/

If you try it, after installing edit the config and put in the avast url to autoclose, i.e. http://aos.avast.com/upgrade/2006

There seems to be an issue with the AOS and Firefox v28.
My suggestion is to disable the AOS until bug is fixed.
You are not losing any real protection since the web shield
is active.

It is not a troll. It is a firmly held conviction which I have followed for years with no untoward consequences, and is also the recommended course at another security forum I frequent. I have always held the belief that there is a ridiculous degree of paranoia circulating the 'net over the perceived evils of site cookies.

Posts you don’t agree with are not automatically trolls.

Dear Avast,
Having been researching this problem, I have seen that there are an alarming number of users that are extremely dissatisfied with your product as a result of the “http://aos.avast.com/upgrade/2006 pop-up-tab” issue. I suggest that you correct this problem as quickly as possible. Otherwise, you will find a large number of your customers have switched to a competitor like AVG. Non-interference is the primary reason that many of us choose and recommend Avast. If we wanted our security system to get in our face all the time, we would be using McAfee!
Thank you

I have just answered this in the other thread you have posted in… Posting in multiple threads does not help

Exactly right Paul.

Known and proven fact, deleting safe website cookies causes MORE problems than than leaving them enabled.

Like 90% of the internet these days, it is all myths generated by the utterly clueless.




Snake oil vendors have to find ways to get the gullible to download more scanners and blockers, so that they can spend 23 hours a day scanning their systems for imagined problems.

I wonder what percentage of computers actually do any real or productive work each day.

Thankyou AdrianH for those interesting and informative links.