I think I’m having the same gosh damn problem. This, coupled with the last one I’ve had, and am still having, that even after contacting Avast, creating a support ticket, sending them numerous support packages from my computer, and of which still hasn’t been fixed or resolved, I’m fed up with Avast and CAN NOT FRIGGIN’ wait until my subscription ends.
As for the comment, no one is forcing us to use Firefox? You’re right. No one is forcing us. It’s a choice, it’s our choice and we’ve chosen to use it and it;s really none of your concern. Sorry, I’m fed up. And whether or not we use it isn’t your business and it’s not the problem. The problem is Avast. And I think the problem is Avast is utilized more for and or geared more for that intrusive company and their products, in this case specifically, the product google chrome. Which I refuse to use because google is intrusive.
But I digress. And sorry, I’m pissed and as I said, I’M FED UP WITH AVAST!
Anyhow, ever since the last update, program update that is, I’m getting a second tab opening up when I first open Firefox v. 28.0. I’ve clicked the settings link in that page, unchecked the participate in community data collecting, or whatever the hell it is, as well as another item. I clicked save and it NEVER FRIGGIN’ SAVES IT! Every time I open Firefox, where it be that same day, the next day, or whatever, that damn tab opens telling me about the changes to Avast.
And what’s weird, it says or has upgrade/2006 in the link. 2006? really? WTF! Here’s the web address… http://aos.avast.com/upgrade/2006 Copy and paste it into your browsers address bar and you’ll see what I see EVERY TIME I OPEN FIREFOX. And it isn’t what I see that has me pissed. What has me pissed is I can’t get it to stop opening. If you open the page, you’ll see a couple links to the same place. One says settings page and the other, further below that one, says enable and disable services in settings. They both take you to the same place. I’ve clicked both and unchecked the same things I want unchecked in both, clicked save in both and it seems to only save the settings I’ve changed until I close my browser. Then, the next time I open my browser, I have to do the same gosh damn shit all over again. After a week or so of having to do and go through this, I’m fed up and pissed. I’m sick of these little problems.
Sorry for my obvious attitude, frustration and anger. But I’m fed up. Ever since the upgrade to Avast 2014, Avast has been nothing but a royal pain in my ass! And I can’t wait to get rid of it. If they gave me a full refund today, I’d uninstall it, remove my trace/s of it in the registry and I’d do so as soon as the friggin’ check cleared!
And for those who will chime in telling me to start my own thread or say not to use another persons thread to vent, BITE ME! If the problem I’m having pertains to or is the same problem they’re having, I’m chiming in. Don’t like it, oh well.