for some reason I just tested EICAR test file with just released MSE, downloading with Google Chrome (dev channel), and while testing it again just for fun with Avast, I noticed that neither Avast WebShield nor the Standard Shield were able to intercept the EICAR archive when downloaded from Google Chrome; from FF yes, but Chrome no ??? what the hell is that ? The Avast shields are definitely scanning the traffic and the files when Chrome is running, but that’s it…any clue appreciated
edit: doesn’t work with Opera either ???
edit 2: sounds like anyway the webshield can’t scan inside archives, and the standard shield neither. But at least the standard shield can block a download when some temp files are already written to disk before an archive itself is. But that works only with Firefox, for some reason…
edit 3: for some reason the webshield, after a reboot, intercepts the eicar archive from a Chrome download, while the standard shield (if webshield is terminated, doesn’t detect the temp zip parts in the temp folder. Must be the way Chrome downloads stuff that’s different from Firefox, Firefox being more secure with Avast than other browsers.