Avast start up problem

Sometimes when i start my computer, on-acces doesn’t start up correct.
There is then a red symbol in the icon.
Most of the times it starts up fine.

My computer is:
pentium pro 200
96 mb ram
windows 98
Avast! version=4.1.268

Can anyone help me?

Ps: sorry for bad english but i’m from the netherlands. :-[

What happens when you double click the tray icon (when it’s crossed out, of course)? Does a windows appear? And what happens when you click “Details…>>” in this window?

When i doubble click i see the normal on-access window but then whitout the pictures of the providers (this is in details mode). When i click start nothing happends.

So there are no providers? Not even one? :o

Check the logs - start the avast! log viewer (accessible by right-clicking the avast tray icon) and see if there’s something suspicious - especially in the Error and Warning categories…


There is nothing to see in the log.

This is what i see:

Hmm, this seems to be a tough problem. I’ll try to think off something… Maybe I’ll send you a debug version with extended logging features so that we can see why the providers are not being loaded… :-\


Ok thx for your quick response.
I hope there will be a solution.

Greets Rob

OK, please try replacing the file ashServ.exe with this one


(first back up the original version, to be sure). The new version should work the same, except that it will create the file c:_aswServ.log on startup. I’d need you to send me the contents of this file (after starting the new version).


I’ve replaced the file.
Untill now i had no problem whit Avast on-Access.
When the problem happends i will send you the log file.

Thx Rob

Hehe that’s typical - as soon as I start to dig further, the problem “disappears”. Just like that.

Sometimes I really have the impressions that bugs are scared of me. ;D


Lol ;D
Well i hope so!! ;D

Still no problem :o
Could it be that my ashserve.exe was corrupted?

Hi i got an update from avast so i must restart my computer.
The next day on-access didn’t start up correct again :cry:
I had removed the log file because then i get a clean log but now when i restart there isn’t a log file.
I think that is because the update?

What can i do ???
Must i replace the ashserve again with the ashserve that you send?

Thx Rob

Yeah, that’s quite likely, man, it’s got to be the VPS update. That is, the VPS update verified all avast files and found version mismatch in ashServ.exe (that’s because you replaced it with the “hand-crafted” version I sent you). So it replaced it with the “right” version.

Please replace it again - and you should be all set.

A new program update will be released early next week. This new version of ashServ.exe (that appearently works even on your machine) will be included in the update.


Ok i will do that.
Thank you very much!

I replaced the file and then started ashserve ande on-access didn’t work correct.
Here is the text of the log:
aswServ 000353913 ms: Starting
aswServ 000353964 ms: In INIT XXX
aswServ 000355896 ms: AavmStart ERROR 80046302
aswServ 000355898 ms: AavmStart OK
aswServ 000355899 ms: Running def res task
aswServ 000356293 ms: Task started
aswServ 000356374 ms: Chest started
aswServ 000356376 ms: Scheduler started
aswServ 000356383 ms: WD started
aswServ 000356384 ms: Integrity thread started
aswServ 000356646 ms: Init complete

Maybe this is normal because i started ashserve by myself and not on startup.

Greets Rob

Well today on-acces didn’t work correct.

Here is the log:
aswServ 000034001 ms: Starting
aswServ 000035562 ms: In INIT XXX
aswServ 000041512 ms: AavmStart ERROR 80046302
aswServ 000041526 ms: AavmStart OK
aswServ 000041526 ms: Running def res task
aswServ 000047177 ms: Task started
aswServ 000067927 ms: Chest started
aswServ 000067980 ms: Scheduler started
aswServ 000068030 ms: WD started
aswServ 000068030 ms: Integrity thread started
aswServ 000070402 ms: Init complete

Bye, Rob

There should be some associated info in the avast! Log Viewer (the Error category)

Nothing to see in the avast! log viewer.
But that is maybe because i allready restarted my computer.

That shouldn’t really be a problem…

It seems to me that the logging feature does not work correctly under Win9x… :frowning:

And the problem disappers after you reboot the machine, right?

Sometimes the problem is still there, but sometimes it disappears ???
Although the problem occurs less then when i didn’t use your ashserve.