Avast start up problem

Vlk, what do you mean this feature do not work properly?
Can you say something about log categories? Why don´t avast save all kind of log events and the user must choose just one (category)? ::slight_smile:

I got a new update and i had to restart and on-access didn’t work :cry:
Must i download your ashserve again because i had less problems with that one or do you have anather solution?
Thx Rob

Please Vlk, come back to this forum. Help us :wink:
I have a Windows 98 working perfectly with avast! but Tommycat is a little bit unluck with it… :cry:

The key here is the line
aswServ 000041512 ms: AavmStart ERROR 80046302

This particular error code is returned in two possible situations:

  • the language library cannot be loaded (not very likely unless you played with the avast files), or
  • the avast! antivirus engine could not be initialized. This is more likely the case.

Please download the following file: http://cat.asw.cz/~vlk/Aavm4h.dll and
copy it to the avast directory, just as you did that ashServ.exe. The problem is that the DLL will probably be locked so you’ll have to kill lots of processes (at least all avast processes) to gain write access to it (it’s most reliable to copy it in DOS, before Windows starts, though).

After reboot, if the problem reappers, please resend me the file c:_aswServ.log (it should now contain more info).


Should i also download your ashserve again because there was an update and it is now the normal virsion?

That shouldn’t be necessary, the DLL should give us more info…

Ok thx,
I allready put the dll in its directery.
Now i hope that the problem occurs ;D

aswServ 000436214 ms: *** avworkInitialize FAILED!! Error code is 42003

Here it is!
Hope this will help.

Shoot, that’s about the worst that could happen :frowning:
Let me think…

Anyway, what was the line in the log file above the one you quoted?


aswServ 000433168 ms: Calling avworkInitialize

This was the line above.
The line when on-access worked.


What is the reported version of the VPS file (the virus DB)?

Also, could you actually try to delete the VPS file (\data\400.vps) and invoke the iAVS update? I’d like to be sure that the VPS file is not corrupted in any way…


Do you mean this?
(current version 0309-6)

Ok i think i’ve done something wrong. :frowning:
I deleted 400.vps and then try to update.
Vps was allready up to date it said, so i thought that maybe i should restart my computer.
So i did.
Now avast doesn’t work at all.
I tried to manually open ashserve but then i get no icon.

No problem. You can download the file here: http://cat.asw.cz/~vlk/400.vps . That’s the correct version so you don’t have to try the update trick any more…


Ok thx it works again!
If the problem happends again i will report it here.
Thx for your help so far!!!

Thanks Tommycat for your patience… 8)
Thanks Vlk for your wisdom :o

Ok i have terrible news :cry:
Avast on-acces didn’t work today :frowning:
Just when i wanted to post here to say that all was great :o
Here is the log hope it helps

aswServ 000781035 ms: Calling avworkInitialize
aswServ 000038781 ms: Calling avworkInitialize
aswServ 000045012 ms: Calling avworkInitialize
aswServ 000175539 ms: Calling avworkInitialize
aswServ 000254256 ms: Calling avworkInitialize
aswServ 000313334 ms: Calling avworkInitialize
aswServ 000339547 ms: Calling avworkInitialize
aswServ 000396472 ms: Calling avworkInitialize
aswServ 000433168 ms: Calling avworkInitialize
aswServ 000436214 ms: *** avworkInitialize FAILED!! Error code is 42003
aswServ 006647846 ms: Calling avworkInitialize
aswServ 003031892 ms: Calling avworkInitialize
aswServ 004367216 ms: Calling avworkInitialize
aswServ 004388777 ms: Calling avworkInitialize
aswServ 004406674 ms: Calling avworkInitialize
aswServ 004426856 ms: Calling avworkInitialize
aswServ 000038278 ms: Calling avworkInitialize
aswServ 000044363 ms: Calling avworkInitialize
aswServ 000036968 ms: Calling avworkInitialize
aswServ 000045352 ms: Calling avworkInitialize
aswServ 000038801 ms: Calling avworkInitialize
aswServ 000037657 ms: Calling avworkInitialize
aswServ 000038951 ms: Calling avworkInitialize

But i don’t think it’s such a problem because it didn’t happen for 10 days or so but i hope there is a solution.

Thx Rob

Please upgrade to ver. 4.1.280. It has some extra mechanisms that could help to prevent this problem…


It allready is ver. 4.1.280

I’m having a similar startup problem as well. The avast! tray icon shows a red sign over it. If I double-click on it, i get an error message (see attached image):

“avast!: The AAVM subsystem detected a RPC error.”
“The operation could not be completed.”

I had first tried with the Spanish version, now with the English version. I get the same error message with both of them.

The log viewer shows the following entries in the “Error” category:

12.10.2003 20:16:27 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 540 AAVM - initialization error: AavmStart: avworkInitialize failed, 0000A413.
12.10.2003 21:36:26 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 544 AAVM - initialization error: AavmStart: avworkInitialize failed, 0000A413.

I’m using the latest version (downloaded today), and even registered as home user, and entered the registration code.

I’m running an Windows 2000 Professional (Spanish) on an Athlon with 128 MB of RAM.

Startup and manual scanning both seem to work fine; it’s the resident shield that doesn’t start.

Need more info?