i’d like to know if there is a way to start the PC with Avast present in the taskbar but with the resident protection in pause ? because i need it only when i surf on dangerous sites and it’s not so often.
actually, each time I start the system, i disable the resident protection manually.
I suppose that if i disable avast in msconfig, i got no more icon in the systray. so, do u have some trick for me. thanks.
No, you will only disable the ‘icon’ on system tray.
You must stop avast services from running (if you have Windows XP).
But, doing this, most probably you’ll be in danger as you won’t have an antivirus at all. I suggest you just set the sensitivity of the Standard Shield to a Custom level and disable the providers you don’t need (IM, P2P, for instance). I do not suggest you disable all your antivirus. There is not a list of dangerous sites to visit, there is not safe email either. Take care 8)