I’m using Firefox and have Adobe 10.1.82 installed… yet Avast want’s me to install it again to get my statistic charts to work, not that I’m concerned here.
Yet when I install it in Avast it doesn’t work in Firefox after uninstalling it there, that can’t be right can it?
Are you saying that flash works in avast and then does not work into Firefox? Or is it the contrary?
Do you use NoScript into Firefox? Does it allow Flash content?
I have Adobe flash player 10.81 installed according to Firefox… yet Avast wants me to install it so that the Stats. will work, that is two installations right?
If I un-install it in Firefox obviously Flash Player ain’t gonna work while it leaves Avast intact.
Now then here’s the funny thing. If I install Flash Player in Avast uninstall it in Firefox, Firefox will tell me, “Sorry gov the wrong version” click here to DL the correct version when ever I come to use it.
Quite simply, I need to install it twice so that I can use it in Firefox and use it in Flash, they are the same programs aren’t they?
Quote Tech
Are you saying that flash works in avast and then does not work into Firefox
Yes thats right, Firefox tells me I need the right version...
… and when it’s installed in Firefox it works fine, but yet Avast needs to install it for the stats. chart to work! My point that I shouldn’t have to install it twice should I?
If I’m not wrong, avast uses the Flash installed for Internet Explorer (which is different from the one installed for Firefox).
There are two downloads/installations available in Adobe site.
Thanks everyone, that’s a little clearer. To be honest I can’t see the point apart from a statistical point… better having a siren or someone blurting out… “Watch out, watch out there’s a virus about”, or even a virusometer perhaps. ;D