I am writing to this community because i dont understant how companies like this one can steal the money from customers and you got to request the return from the page,they dont have phone numbers to at least answer to the people why they take advantage of the people…
I cancel the renew of the service and they still renew the antivirus…Its a shame and it make me pist off that i cant call and express my problem…i ask my return and i expect to receive my money back, -2 for this service…
Thank you for your message and contacting Avast. Based on your request made via primary channel (https://support.avast.com/en-us/contact/) your refund was already successfully processed practically immediately after you made the request. The charge was initially processed due to the auto-renewal feature enabled on your trial subscription. Please find more details via PM I provided to you.
I hope this helps and we apologize for the inconvenience.