Avast stop services and insecure the system

Avast stop regulary all services and the avast icon with a cross X is displayed in the system bar in place of the avast icon.
I can open the program and the summary purpose to restart or click to “rétablir” (means “recover”) appears but after some times or operation (i don’t know), avast stop again.

My system:
HP Pavillon ZD8000
Intel P4 HT

AVAST 5.0.462
Filesclab personnal firewall

Tks in advance

Are there any recent files called unpXXXXXXX.mdmp (X are some numbers) in the folder
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Alwil Software\Avast5\log

My system has done the same thing…! how do i fall back to 4.8??? i’ve never had problems like this with 4.8… The GU lookes very nice in 5 but this type of errors that i’ve been getting with 5 it is not what I want… :frowning: :frowning: :‘( :’(

Tks for your reply Igor.

Yes, there are. By example: unp263480272.tmp.mdmp de ~500-600 Ko

Please pack a few recent ones into an archive and upload it to ftp://ftp.avast.com/incoming

hi there,
as kikidonc i got exactly the same problem. I have tried to setup again from scratch (as described in the forum) but it did nothing.
Here is my dump unp146454965.tmp.mdmp that I have uploaded to ftp://ftp.avast.com/incoming

I had a similar problem in vista recently. But after few restarts it’s all OK…
I have no such files in
C:\ProgramData\Alwil Software\Avast5\log

I have had the same problem with windows 7 32bit as well. I have given up on 5 for now

I have had this happen once thus far on AIS 5 (latest) trial. Running XP SP3. All shields mysteriously stopped and UI told me system was unsecured. I was able to start them again from the main UI, not the icon. I think there was a message indicating that a service had stopped when I tried to re-enable via the icon.

None of the files mention in the log folder for me.

deums: Please upload one more file: c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Alwil Software\Avast5\chest\index.xml
Are the symptoms really the same for you (i.e. the service stops “randomly”… works for a while, stops later) - or does the service never really start for you, i.e. the problem appears right from the moment the system boots?

Hi i recently installed avast 5.0.462 and every time i start my computer i either have a x or a check mark on my avast icon saying im not protected i always have to open avast and hit the fix button. how do i fix this so it is on when i start the computer? And no I have no such files in c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Alwil Software\Avast5\chest\index.xml

Done. I’ve uploaded all files (19).

Tks in advance.

This is also happening on my PC, Win XP service pack 3. I’ll be online and suddenly notice avast has stopped. I am generally able to open avast and “fix” problem but the last time it happened the program would not respond and I had to reboot.

Just sorted this out on a client’s system.

Downloaded, installed and ran Combofix (rename before save vital - see the instructions with it)

It found seven positives which I quarantined.

For Avast:

Not sure what the root cause was but what I did to Avast was this:
Uninstalled Avast5
Used msconfig to prevent start of ash*.* services.
Checked c:\program files\alwil and noted full directories present for both avast4 and avast5.
Deleted both (after unlocking).
Reinstalled Avast5
Scheduled boot-time full scan

Avast5 then OK and could register it.

Hope this helps,

Kikidonc: all the crashes occurred inside a module injected by Filseclab Firewall… I’d suggest to try uninstaling it.

Igor: This is my first idea too. After the upgrade of avast (4.8 => 5), Filesclab loops back and runs @ 50% cpu usage. So I have reinstalled Filesclab. And I have this problem with Avast.
So the two applications aren’t compatible. Use Avast 5 the same service as Filesclab?
Can u advice me a good and free firewall?


Maybe Online Armor or Outpost free. Maybe PCTools one.


same as many other users in this thread, I’m on XP PRO SP3 and my firewall is Comodo, I checked the log and cannot see any unpXXXXXXX.mdmp files.

It occurs at least once a week since I installed Avast 5 but previously I was able to fix the problem by clicking on the “fix” button, this time nothing happens if I do so, I tried to reboot, but no change.

What else can I do?

Thanks for your advice.


Did you already try a repair installation?

Go to add/remove Programms, select avast by doubleclicking, scroll down on the left side to “repair”.
After repair do a reboot.

That’s done

Not exactly the same : the service starts once after a new setup and avast runs correctly. But when i restart XP the service will never restart and i will always get a “X” on the avast icon in the systray.