Avast seems to be stopping ALL of my browsers (Firefox, IE, Chrome, Opera) from working completely, they wont load at all, this has never been a problem before, and the problem is resolved when i disable it, which isn’t a great idea, any ideas of how to fix it?
Check that avast.setup is allowed in the Application Rules, if it does delete the entry and try an avast manual update this should force OSS to ask again, allow it.
In the Outpost security suite (OSS), do you have it running in compatibility mode, e.g. the anti-virus, anti-spyware and web control modules shouldn’t have been installed when OSS detected avast was installed ?
i deleted it from application rules and it asked for it again, i allowed it, and i dont really understand the final bit of what you said, could you please re word it?
I found two versions of Avast installed on my system, i uninstalled them both and installed the BETA version, im still getting the same problem,
Asyn and essexboy is getting OA (Online Armor) firewall and the Outpost Security Suite (OSS) firewall confused.
Once installed I don’t know if there is a way to uninstall just the anti-virus element of the OSS or not. It doesn’t look like there is a change option in the windows add remove programs/uninstall a program function to just uninstall a module.
Since I don’t use the OSS version but Outlook Firewall Pro, I don’t know if there is anything in the GUI to uninstall the anti-virus, if not the only option is to uninstall OSS, reboot and reinstall.
NOTE: at this point look out for the question about having avast installed during the installation or better still do a Custom install and uncheck the anti-virus and web control (if part of it) modules, the anti-leak module is fine, that is in my Outpost Firewall Pro version and no conflict.