Avast stops running on my PC

My Avast Internet Security keeps shutting down.

I’ve noticed this for a bit that my Avast seems to start up, but then if I check it later, it is shut down. Also tells me to restart the service but that does not work.

I’ve tried to Modify the install to repair it, but has also shut down then.

Trying to install the additional definitions for a boot time scan has also caused it to shut down. However running it a second time installed them. Will try that now.

What should my next steps be? Avast has been pretty solid for me.

I’d recommend running a clean install:

1.Download your version of avast and the avastclear tool - save them to the desktop:

Avast Free Antivirus
Avast Pro Antivirus
Avast Internet Security
Avast Premier

Download Avast Clear Tool

  1. Uninstall Avast from Control Panel (if possible) and reboot.
  2. Uninstall in safe mode using Avastclear. [Running Avastclear is normal mode will give a prompt to go into Safe Mode]
  3. Install the version you downloaded.
  4. Reboot.

Paid: If you have a paid license, insert the license key/activation code after the reboot at stage 6.

Did what you said and so far seems to be working.

I also had a pretty big window’s update sitting out there, that I wonder if was part of the issue. Either way it’s not failed since.
