Avast is scanning but right now more then 1 hour same file, or it doesn’t show the name of the file I’m quite sure is infected but I have one folder including 1 file and those cannot scan at all. I can’t even right-click on them.
That folder/file came in one download and after I tried to copy/move or delete them, I can not open any folder but get error message “remote procedure call failed and did not execute”. Same if I try to open any links in Start menu’s right side as Control Panel etc.
I have now tried few virus and programs, no help. Any idea?
I do have tried MANY things but non of them fix the problem. I am also unable to send the file to check it.
Tried many additional things and tools, nothing … but then I downloaded program named Eraser and after installing it, I can now zip the possible infected file through ‘Start menu’, search the folder by name and when it shows that file too, right click with mouse is possible. So let’s see what happen. I just need to check to be sure what next as the Eraser is also available to ‘Delete’ the file.
No no, it is mp3 file but I wanted to zip it to send it to some antivirus program provider, and the reason, additionally to that that I can’t send original file to anything, is if it is password protected, zip archiving it I can change the password. Unfortunately also that didn’t worked out. WinZip can’t zip it, nothing happens when I push ‘go’ button ?!!
I can now make virus check for both, folder and that file with Avast but nothing more happen then Avast just running, running and never end. Any other files, no problem to do that.
I’m happy that my internet and browsers still working.
OK, that file cannot be renamed, copied, moved or deleted, so can’t do that but I may try something I just read from answers to some one else last January in Microsoft pages. It was/is like this:
“Can you try changing RPC Locator to automatic and seeing if that resolves the issue?”
Reply from questioner was/is “YES! It works now. Thank you very much.
Changing the RPC Locator to automatic resolved the issue.”
Of course that has nothing to do with trying to delete that ¤##%¤# file.