Have had a problem for a while now (several months), possibly made worse by an MS update but have tracked it down to a clear interaction with Avast.
Win 7 Pro with Avast Free
When I turn the machine on there is a 50+% chance that the machine will not start properly. Most obviously, the Wifi will not connect and retains a blue circle “waiting” over the wifi icon in the system tray. I have also tried to examine task start-up statuses using services.msc, but that refuses to start also. Other tasks seem to run (such as I can start Windows Explorer, Process Explorer) but the machine is in general very slow.
A restart will 100% fix the problem and the machine will start ok. However, the shutdown when doign this takes a very long time (10+ minutes) with near-constant disk activity during that time
If, each time I turn the machine off, I turn Avast off before shutting down the machine then the problem does not occur
Have updated Avast to 19.6.2383 (build 19.6.4546.494) and the problem is still there
Obviously, a magic solution would be best, but otherwise are there any logs I could access and submit? Thx
Have had Avast uninstalled (using the full uninstall program) for a while now, machine has behaved perfectly.
3 days ago, reinstalled Avast free. First couple of boot swere ok, but this morning the SAME old problem has appeared. Avast is clearly interferign with something so I have taken it off again. Unless this is recognised by Avast and a fix implemented, or at least someone can tell me how to provide logs etc, than it’s bye bye Avast
Win 7 Pro 64 bit SP1 original Dell OEM, fully MS patched through to period if problem.
Rebuilt afresh about 2 years ago
No other live AV. Malwarebytes periodic scan
No other AV has ever been on the machine.
I saw a few posts on Woody’s a while back (6-9 monthd?) suspecting an MS update of comms issues in conjunction with a number of AVs but has gone quiet now. But on my own 2 machines on W7 I am now sure part of the problem is Avast. My W10 machine with Avast is fine, but then W10 has a vastly different (and faster) boot sequence
Thanks, do you know if this grabs a log including past events or just a snapshot as-is, because when the wifi refusal occurs, the rest of the machine freezes too and requires a reboot?
You might also want to give the following utility a try. https://www.rizonesoft.com/downloads/complete-internet-repair/
It’s my go to utility when there’s an internet access problem other than my ISP.
I usually check the top 5 options hit the go button, let it finish it’s task, and reboot.
[ol]- Set your wi-fi to start after Windows loads completely. In other words, remove wi-fi from your startup list
[li]Use a CAT5 (wired) connection and turn off your wi-fi for now/li][/ol]