AVAST stops WinXP accessing the Internet.

Dear Anyone.

I have a computer with a 200ghz overclocked processor, 1gig RAM, Windows
XP. and 2 hard drives.

I downloaded AVAST Home Edition (I only use a computer at home) and
scanned the main hard drive. Next time I tried to connect to the Net, I
got Error 721 - Remote Computer Not Responding. Did another scan, couldn’t
find anything. Contacted Bulldog, they said I needed to re-install

Installed XP on the second hard drive, began using the Internet from
there. (Previously, hadn’t been using the second drive for anything much - it’s only small - about 8gb.) The ONLY thing I installed from the net was AVAST - and immediately I got Error 721 - Remote Computer Not Responding when I tried to connect after the reboot. Uninstalled Avast and the computer reconnected fine, but a LOT slower than it had connected before I’d installed AVAST in the first place.

What is there about AVAST that causes this? Is it fixable, and is AVAST safe to use with Windows XP?

Why would the speed of connection die a complete death after removing AVAST, and how can I speed it back up again - it connects now, but it can take up to 7-8 minutes to actually get there!!

Yours in puzzlement


Hello Chris welcome to the Avast forum.
Avast is very safe to use with XP not a problem here.

Here is a Microsoft link that may help with your Error 721 http://support.microsoft.com/kb/318009

I’m not so sure you need to be that radical. Anyway, overinstallation can solve the problem and you won’t lose your programs, settings, data, files, etc. Just choose ‘Repair’ installation of Windows and install ‘over’ the old installation.


Which firewall are you using?