I have noticed that on one of my computers avast says that the last streaming update was today at 12.54 AM…while on another computers there is no date for the last streaming update. Last Streamnig update: —
Why this difference betwen my two systems? Is it normal?
This is a shot which shows my problem. The status of streaming update is enabled, but there is no date for the last update and says that there is no estabilished connection…where is the problem?
I understand, but actually on one computer avast is receiving streaming updates, but on another computer there are no streaming update avaliable…I can’t understand the difference between them. One of them is not receivnig streaming update since yesterday, there is no date for the last update. Now the connection is estabilished, but why does not receive updates? The normal update works good on both
This is a stot that shows that the connection is estabilished but there is no update
the connection to the cloud on my two systems is very unstable today too. In one minute it is connected at the next it is disconnected for a long period.
Strange i have 2 pcs in my home. One with xp the other with windows 7.
In xp the connection for steaming updates is always on, in windows 7 on the other side for one minute is on and the other minute it is down.
Maybe differents servers for xp and windows 7? (for steaming updates)
yes, it is the same for me. One computer is able to receive update and the connection is stable, the oder pc doesn’t receive updates since yesterday and the connection is very unstable