Avast stuck at 1%

Hello again.

Today, i was launching a scan of the entire system and this happened (VIEW IMAGE)

Have you an idea of what could have happened ?

OS X El Capitan version 10.11.6

Would you mind to send us a Support package? https://www.avast.com/faq.php?article=AVKB220

Does it stuck on the same file if you re-run the scan?


I can’t post the support package because it tells me this :

You cannot upload that type of file. The only allowed extensions are jpg,png,txt,log,gif.

Issues: Avast scan stuck for undefined time at 1%
It starts slowing at /MobileBackups/Computer/Ressources…

You dont post/attach it here … See step 4 in the guide

Ticket >> https://support.avast.com/support/tickets/new
If you are submitting a new ticket please be sure to include details of your issue.

The package is submitted.

URL: https://support.avast.com/support/tickets/707156