Avast, Stunnel, Outlook express and Gmail


I read some topics about the problems related to Gmail accounts and avast using Outlook express as email client. I understood that it will need a third party program to deal with SSL of Gmail and I already got Stunnel. I need simple steps about what can I modify in Avast, Outlook Express and Stunnel to make Avast able to scan Gmail’s messages.

The version of Stunnel I have does not run the parameters regarded in some later topics. It can be run as a service. It shows a system tray icon.

The operating system my computer have is Windows XP SP2 and Avast version 4.7 Home Edition and Stunnel version 4.20 by Michal Trojnara 2006.

Hello, Said Bakr.
I think you needn’t to modify avast!
You need to modify stunnel.conf, like:
accept = Your static IP adress
connect = pop.gmail.com: your port
delay = yes
For more info take a look at topic: Problem with redirect POP ports at Avast 4.7 Home Edition

I have no static IP. I connected to the internet using a dial up.

Confused Confused Confused.

It seems there is no solution. The answer like a buzzle. I have to jump over many branched topics to just get more confused.

I need steps 1 2 3 … to make Avast Scan Gmail Using Outlook express and stunnel.

If you can answer like this in this topic, ok. If not, please don’t answer.

I was inclined to test this out and was just about to do so … I have pretty good success here with products like this one … but that was before your latest rant.

I think that you forget you are using a free product and asking for the help of others who, like you, are your fellow users.

Your posts indicate to me that you are not worth the effort of your fellow users to help you. I hope that someone else will be more willing to ignore your childish posts.

First of all, I thank every one’s efforts to allow Avast free and also every one on the forum.

The second, Avast is not 100% free, there are other products not free. The need of making some part of it free is vital for any anti virus in two points,

1- Reducing updating costs and increasing its value by spreading Avast over many computers world wide which will able to send valuable data about infections free.

2- A free advertisement.

I think that, you may agree with me, I have rights to have an answer specific to my question. If there is no an answer, it will not be a problem, but having a confused answer, this is the problem. “Who said I don’t know, he should be answered

avast! home edition is 100% free, you don’t need to pay anything for that.

Rights? Who said you have “rights to have an answer”? We in the forum are avast-users like you, so we don’t know everything about this program. We try to help each other, sometimes we succed, sometimes not, and we are here as we love this program.

If you want answers, and don’t get it in the forum, maybe you can contact the technical support?


Do these help?



EDIT: grammer correction

To Mr. Bluesman,

It is, abstractly, logic the one who asked a question expect to have an answer and this his right, so, if it is not right, why he asked from the beginning?! You can regard it as involved right.

About free, there is nothing free, the payment should not be money only. Please follow the rest of the paragraph of my previous post.

To Mr. mauserme,

Unfortunately, They don’t help. I need an answer like a manual specified about the title of my question.

Thank you all.

Well…“have rights” and “expect” is two different things. But I understand what you mean. But for me this is a open forum, so you can expect to get answers on your questions, but you don’t have rights (like we in the forum have obligation to give you an answer.)

As I said, we are just avast-users like you, we are here to try to help other avast-users with there problems, sometimes we succeed, sometimes not. And if we don’t succeed, I am sure the techncal support can help the user.

Ok, we have different opinions here, for me, avast! home edition is 100% free. I don’t know what you mean that “cost”, or make avast! home edition NOT 100% free.

Little offtopic here, lets try to beat your problem.

Have you contacted the technical support?

You said the tip in the links mauserme gave you don’t work, what happen? Do you get any error messages?

You wrote in the first post “The version of Stunnel I have does not run the parameters”. What version is this? The latest version of Stunnel?

Also, have you tried to search in google, and maybe get some tips there? ( stunnel +“outlook express” +gmail )

Said Bakr, as you pointed out, there were demands in using stunnel to let Avast check Gmail messages. However, after Gmail began to use their own anti-virus on their server, the majority seems to be satisfied with it and don’t feel it is necessary to let Avast check the messages.

The problem is that if you are not able to figure out by yourself from the links that are already provided, you will unlikely be able to troubleshoot if something goes wrong. I warned. If you still feel you need stunnel, read on.

Step 1 Installation of Stunnel

  1. Download the latest stunnel from the official site. At the moment, it’s stunnel-4.20-installer.exe.

  2. After executing the installation, download Windows Binaries for Open-SSL. Here is the site. This file will do.

  3. Unzip all the three files (libeay32.dll, libssl32.dll, openssl.exe) into the stunnel folder (By default, it’s C:\Program Files\Stunnel). When prompted, overwrite all.

  4. In the same folder, you will find stunnel.conf. Rename it to stunnel.txt or something else.

  5. Still in the same folder, right-click on the blank and open context menu. From the menu, create a new txt file and open it.

  6. Copy and paste the code below.

# GMail

# POP3


Or, if you are using 587 for SMTP,

# GMail

# POP3


The line “debug=debug” will be unnecessary once everything begins to work correctly.

  1. Save and close the file.

  2. Rename the file to “stunnel.conf”.

Step 2 Configure Avast Internet Mail Provider

  1. Left click on Avast blue icon at the task tray to call “OnAccess Protection Control”.

  2. Select internet mail

  3. ‘Customize’

  4. Go to the ‘Redirect’ tab

  5. Uncheck “Ignore local connection”

  6. Hit “OK” and exit the configuration.

Step 3 Configure Email Client

Now the problem is I don’t know how to configure Outlook Express. However, general instruction is.

1.Change POP3 and SMTP servers to “Localhost.”

2.Change the ports for POP3 and SMTP to 110 and 25 respectively.

3.Disable secure connections for both connections.

Also, I searched the forum and found this thread for OE configuration with Stunnel.

Outlook Express settings
Pop3 server:
Smtp server:
Account name: <gmail name without @gmail.com>
smtp authorization: full gmail name@gmail.com and password
pop3 port:120110 (uncheck SSL)
smtp port: 12025 (uncheck SSL)
Timeout: 5 minutes 

Everything above can be different depending on your environment and this is why I didn’t recommend you to using Stunnel if you cannot figure out by reading some resources. For example, above configuration won’t work if you are not using NT system, which enables Avast! Providers to be transparent.

The reason why I don’t like this stunnel business is that it is designed for puncturing some ports. First, I thought I shouldn’t mess with the mail configuration, however, now I think carelessly opened ports are much more dangerous. I checked it now I found the configuration could keep the port 25 open, which is, depending your configuration of firewall. This is not good from security standard. Now I am inclined to recommend giving up the usage of stunnel.

Or, if you still dare to use stunnel, at least, it would be suitable to use Avast port such as 12025, 12110. I edited my post.

The stunnel does not load after changing its configuration file. The following is the stunnel log:

007.02.18 23:46:28 LOG7[2980:2984]: RAND_status claims sufficient entropy for the PRNG
2007.02.18 23:46:28 LOG7[2980:2984]: PRNG seeded successfully
2007.02.18 23:46:28 LOG7[2980:2984]: Certificate: stunnel.pem
2007.02.18 23:46:28 LOG7[2980:2984]: Certificate loaded
2007.02.18 23:46:28 LOG7[2980:2984]: Key file: stunnel.pem
2007.02.18 23:46:28 LOG7[2980:2984]: Private key loaded
2007.02.18 23:46:28 LOG7[2980:2984]: SSL context initialized for service pop3s
2007.02.18 23:46:28 LOG7[2980:2984]: Certificate: stunnel.pem
2007.02.18 23:46:28 LOG7[2980:2984]: Certificate loaded
2007.02.18 23:46:28 LOG7[2980:2984]: Key file: stunnel.pem
2007.02.18 23:46:28 LOG7[2980:2984]: Private key loaded
2007.02.18 23:46:28 LOG7[2980:2984]: SSL context initialized for service imaps
2007.02.18 23:46:28 LOG7[2980:2984]: Certificate: stunnel.pem
2007.02.18 23:46:28 LOG7[2980:2984]: Certificate loaded
2007.02.18 23:46:28 LOG7[2980:2984]: Key file: stunnel.pem
2007.02.18 23:46:28 LOG7[2980:2984]: Private key loaded
2007.02.18 23:46:28 LOG7[2980:2984]: SSL context initialized for service ssmtp
2007.02.18 23:46:29 LOG7[2980:2984]: Certificate: stunnel.pem
2007.02.18 23:46:29 LOG7[2980:2984]: Certificate loaded
2007.02.18 23:46:29 LOG7[2980:2984]: Key file: stunnel.pem
2007.02.18 23:46:29 LOG7[2980:2984]: Private key loaded
2007.02.18 23:46:29 LOG7[2980:2984]: SSL context initialized for service gmail-pop3s
2007.02.18 23:46:29 LOG7[2980:2984]: Certificate: stunnel.pem
2007.02.18 23:46:29 LOG7[2980:2984]: Certificate loaded
2007.02.18 23:46:29 LOG7[2980:2984]: Key file: stunnel.pem
2007.02.18 23:46:29 LOG7[2980:2984]: Private key loaded
2007.02.18 23:46:29 LOG7[2980:2984]: SSL context initialized for service gmail-smtps
2007.02.18 23:46:29 LOG5[2980:2984]: stunnel 4.20 on x86-pc-mingw32-gnu with OpenSSL 0.9.8d 28 Sep 2006
2007.02.18 23:46:29 LOG5[2980:2984]: Threading:WIN32 SSL:ENGINE Sockets:SELECT,IPv6
2007.02.18 23:46:30 LOG5[2980:2992]: No limit detected for the number of clients
2007.02.18 23:46:30 LOG7[2980:2992]: FD 348 in non-blocking mode
2007.02.18 23:46:30 LOG7[2980:2992]: SO_REUSEADDR option set on accept socket
2007.02.18 23:46:30 LOG7[2980:2992]: pop3s bound to
2007.02.18 23:46:30 LOG7[2980:2992]: FD 356 in non-blocking mode
2007.02.18 23:46:30 LOG7[2980:2992]: SO_REUSEADDR option set on accept socket
2007.02.18 23:46:30 LOG7[2980:2992]: imaps bound to
2007.02.18 23:46:30 LOG7[2980:2992]: FD 372 in non-blocking mode
2007.02.18 23:46:30 LOG7[2980:2992]: SO_REUSEADDR option set on accept socket
2007.02.18 23:46:30 LOG7[2980:2992]: ssmtp bound to
2007.02.18 23:46:30 LOG7[2980:2992]: FD 380 in non-blocking mode
2007.02.18 23:46:30 LOG7[2980:2992]: SO_REUSEADDR option set on accept socket
2007.02.18 23:46:30 LOG7[2980:2992]: gmail-pop3s bound to
2007.02.18 23:46:30 LOG7[2980:2992]: FD 388 in non-blocking mode
2007.02.18 23:46:30 LOG7[2980:2992]: SO_REUSEADDR option set on accept socket
2007.02.18 23:46:30 LOG3[2980:2992]: Error binding gmail-smtps to
2007.02.18 23:46:30 LOG3[2980:2992]: bind: Permission denied (WSAEACCES) (10013)

2007.02.18 23:46:30 LOG3[2980:2992]: Server is down

Confirmed. The ports seem to be already occupied by no other than Internet Mail Provider. Seems we have to let stunnel work at unoccupied ports and let Internet Mail Provider watch the connections. After all, we have to go trough the process which Tech did.

Now, step 1.6 should be like:

6. Copy and paste the code below.
# GMail

# POP3 service, listens on localhost:11110

# SMTP service, listens on localhost:11025

Or, if you are using 587 for SMTP,

# GMail

# POP3 service, listens on localhost:11110

# SMTP service, listens on localhost:11025

The line “debug=debug” will be unnecessary once everything begins to work correctly.

Step 2 should be like:

  1. Go to Avast4.ini, which is by default in “C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\DATA” folder.

  2. Open Avast4.ini file and find [MailScanner] section. Make sure that “IgnoreLocalhost=0” and add the lines below.

  1. Save and close Avast4.ini file.

  2. Right-click on Avast! Blue icon at the tasktray to open Context Menu and choose “Stop On-Access Protection.” Click Yes on the confirmation dialog.

5.Right-click on Avast! Blue icon at the tasktray to open Context Menu and choose “Start On-Access Protection.”

Now that we did everything similar to Tech’s post, Outlook Express setting should also be the same.

Outlook Express settings Pop3 server: Smtp server: Account name: smtp authorization: full gmailname@gmail.com and password pop3 port: 11110 (uncheck SSL) smtp port: 11025 (uncheck SSL) Timeout: 5 minutes

Thank you all for your help. I decided to forget using Avast with Gmail and I will depend on the Gmail’s virus scanner.