Okay, so I inserted in an USB stick into my computer and it won’t even open, because Avast is blocking it, and the warning caution virus shit is opening over and over again… SO ANNOYING… WTF IS UP WITH THAT GAY .PIF FILE??
I’m sorry? An anti-virus program sucks for warning you about a virus infection? ??? :
Overview -BackDoor-AWQ!D12D19B7 is a multi part backdoor trojan.
It attempts to hook itself into the system by dropping autorun.inf files into the root of the systems hard drives.
It also disables several tools the system admin would use to recover from the infection*.
It redirects the Com+ system to the backdoor component.
- Like Cmd?
Try a boot time scan with avast! Right click the scanner screen, select ‘schedule a boot time scan’ and reboot when requested. (Or open the tab at the top left of the scanner screen and select the boot time option from there.)
You’re joking right? :o
I’m not sure what’s the purpose of all thee posts but your USB drive is infected, plain and simple. Scan it with avast! and also scan your system just in case.
sorry to say avast rocks what sucks is the virus on your USB stick. ???
Avast was and is doing its job ie stopping the virus. ;D
Dude, there was no virus in my memory stick, all it was inside was a text file which I made, and a folder with some harmless files, just’s a folder with more text files. No program, nothing. So I don’t see how it is a virus. I am just thinking that avast is a bit messed up with that memory stick.
Maybe the virus was trying to write to the USB drive and avast! blocked it?
Welcome to the forums, Tassadarmaster.
You came here seeking help and help has been offered. You are seeking help because you do not understand the problem you are having.
Why do you not follow the advice given in your threads so that we can help you solve your problem? ???
There are many viruses which are not visible for you - you should try to scan your usb stick with some online scanners…
not long time ago i also had an infected usb-stick with a virus/trojan whatever… - its filename was “_avkcl_1ce.cmd” and it was not visible through the explorer or so…
Ok, I will take the advice you guys gave me into consideration. Just one more question, let’s say there really was a virus which isn’t visible to me in my USB stick, if I don’t do anything to it, will it be harmful to me in any way as I am not touching it, activating it, running it, anything like that?
Well, considering it’s on your USB drive it’s highly possible that it has been already activated, especially if you’re using Windows XP. This USB malware is designed to spread just by insering USB drive into computer.
It’s automatically run by the system at that point.
And with each malware there is risk of getting your passwords or personal info stolen so try to clean them as soon as possible.
i think these malware activates itself if you try to access your usb-stick…
and thats why avast! found it i would say - the message came up when avast blocked the malware activating itself.
you for sure should try to remove it…
probably someone else can tell you a good online-scanner or something to format your usb-stick securely…
< oh, RejZoR was faster>
Use USB Firewall to avoid that…
I had the same issue before, Avast recognized my Adobe PS3 keygen in my thumb drive as a virus. I knew for sure it wasn’t a virus because I got the keygen from my cousin, I clicked ignore but I still couldn’t open. Then I temporarily disabled Avast and bam I installed my PS3 without a problem.
My cousin uses a different free AV, a Korean one that borrows the Kaspersky engine and he said it did the same thing for him.
AVs treat certain files this way.
Shoots den.
Keygen + crack = trojan = computer messed up
Using a keygen is just begging for trouble and sooner or later, trouble will come.
The worst thing you can do… disable the antivirus…
If it is a false positive, Alwil team will correct the detection, if not, well… you’re infected.
Did I mention I got the keygen from my cousin?
So you really trust that your cousin got it from a clean source ?