Today avast suddenly run a smart scan while i am using my computer. How could this happen?
Maybe the scan is scheduled to be ran once a month. Check here:
Is scheduled scan turn on by default? Because i don’t remember i ever turn on scheduled scan, I don’t even know where to check scheduled scan setting.
Or maybe there is pop up that ask you to run smart scan and i accidentally press the pop up?
No. When you installed Avast for the first time, and you’ve ran the first Smart Scan, at the end of the scan you were asked if you want to run Smart Scan once a month. Maybe you forgotten to uncheck that option, and this is the reason.
If you want to see the scheduled tasks open Avast, go to Protection—Virus Scans----Custom Scans, and see if I was right.
Also, tell me when you installed Avast.
Yes, you are right. Scheduled scan run on day 6th 22:22 every month and this is the same time when avast suddenly pop up and does a smart scan yesterday. Just for your information my time zone is GMT+8
If i want to remove the Scheduled scan, do i need to remove both or just smart scan ?
Since the Quick Scan isn’t scheduled, no real need to delete it.
You could simply delete the Smart scan schedule entry using the three … dots menu option to the right of the Scan Now button. My advice would be to go in and set Smart Scan frequency to Never.