Avast switched on wifi

Yesterday i got a message that avast switched on wifi. Ik have no wifi and in settings wifi is always switched off. I can open some apps without pin although there is an applock.?.

Hi, do you by any chance use the “Power Save” feature (Avast Mobile Security, see the Menu)? It can enable the Wi-Fi.

Regarding the App Lock, there are two options:

  1. It is either being disabled by a power saving functionality of your device; when the app is not running, it cannot apply the lock-screen

  2. Or you have set the “App Locking timeout” for some value higher then 0 minutes. It means that when you unlock an app, all other apps are also unlock for the period of the timeout set. If you want the lock-screen to be always on, go to Menu → Settings → App Locking → App Locking timeout and set it to 0.

Hello tereza,

Thank you but I do not use power save. I have not set a time out.
But a lot of change things happen.

Thanks for your reply, but I am afraid I do not fully understand - what change? Does the problem persist?