Avast Taskhostw.exe error at shutdown

I’ve just installed 2 new computers with:
Win10 Pro.1511 - 64bit
Computers are NUC’s with 8GB

Last part of the Installation Avast Business Cloud

All runs good etc, but when Windows Shutdown is triggered, the message is :

taskhostw.exe - Application Error
The Exception Unknown software exeception (0xc00000008) occurred in
application at location 0x0007FFC5F33897A

Click Ok to Terminate

and there is a button - OK - obviously only action available

The shutdown is stopped until I click OK

If I uninstall Avast problem goes away, and it is same on both computers

Same here!

I just managed to install it in one of my Win 10 computers (via Domain admin account, unlike with Win 7 machines) and had the same issue, when logging off or shutting down I get that error.
I am also running Windows 10 Pro with the latest updates on several computers in the office.

See: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=179357.msg1276419#msg1276419

I don’t use Windows 10, but I installed to a VirtualBox VM fresh Windows 10 and couldn’t reproduce this.

Can someone post the error details from the event viewer? This should tell us the DLL it crashed on. Maybe we’ll find a common non-Avast 3rd party DLL that is the cause. I have read many stories of Intel AMT software causing this problem if it is not up-to-date after other applications are updated (ie, common shared DLL changes).

It’s my understanding that taskhostw.exe is the “Host Process for Windows Tasks”, or a fancy way for Windows to run a DLL like an executable. The process crashing on shutdown is not a big showstopper, just an annoyance since a shutdown is just trying to end the processes under it’s control anyway. :slight_smile:

Does making the machine sleep instead of shutdown work around the problem temporarily?

Event Viewer Details:

Event 7031, Service Control Manager

The Sync Host_2d02be service terminated unexpectedly. It has done this 1 time(s). The following corrective action will be taken in 10000 milliseconds: Restart the service.

Log Name: System
Source: Service Control Manager
Logged: 12/18/2015 10:06:41 AM
Event ID: 7031
Task Category: None
Level: Error
Keywords: Classic
OpCode: Info

It does not produce error when sleeping.

All of ours that are doing it are Windows 10 64 Bit (Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.10586]) on Domain.
All workstations are Dell Optiplex’s with INTEL chipsets. All drivers are up to date via Dell & Intel.

The first error I get is:
The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID
to the user NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM SID (S-1-5-18) from address LocalHost (Using LRPC) running in the application container Unavailable SID (Unavailable). This security permission can be modified using the Component Services administrative tool.

Then four more errors including the one listed

Same problem here which is linked to the latest MS Win 10 update released a few weeks ago. Was fine until then. Spoke to Avast a couple of weeks ago and they are aware and were working on a fix (My understanding). Have carried out lots of testing, best check is to uninstall Avast, (The problem should go away) Reinstall and it appears again, confirming the problem is generated by Avast.

Not much help but at least you wont go mad!

Same issue here, i tried two machines (one on mac with bootcamp and other on dell-pc). Issue still exist until today, but I don’t want to uninstall avast completely in the hope they will find the fix soon.

Error pops up only while trying to shutdown or restart.

I am having the same problem when I turn some (not all) of my computers off.

Is there any update on this, or has anyone figured a solution (even if temp)


One thing to add – I was having trouble installing Pro Pack upgrade for Windows 10 Home, and was getting the TASKHOSTW error. Uninstalled Avast Bus Sec using AVASTCLEAR and Pro Pack Upgrade completed without a problem. Then reinstalled Avast.

Another note – running 32-bit Office 2013 on 64-bit Windows and having no problems launching Office apps…

Any update on this error/crash?

Ditto that

  • I thought earlier the talk was after christmas

This issue seems to be solved with version 10.4.2509.