Yesterday I did this complete avast testing on my laptop. Unfortunatelly while testing before my OS booting my battery went dead. When I turned my laptop on again, my computer said smth like: “put boot disk”. It actually didn´t loaded even BIOS. I gave to the professional and he told me today, he can´t even get to any data from my HDD, including OS recovery disk and he can´t rescue any data of mine. So, I just would like you to say, thank you. I know, this was my fault, but still I think, this ocassion shouldn´t really compelely destroy your computer. You should have think about that!
Ever thought it wasn’t avast! that damaged the disk partition, but the fact that your laptop encountered a power loss event? Hard drives have from 8-64MB of buffer cache and if this very cache was storing critical disk data to be written when the power loss occured, it is possible that this very event corrupted your hard disk.
The fact that you were testing avast! doesn’t really mean much.
Also, was the disk completely unreadable (non functional) or he just wasn’t able to read usable data from it?
I wasn´t testing Avast, I was looking for potentional viruses (preventive) - that´s what I mean testing.
The disk is probably readable, but we´re not able to get to the data (especially recovery disc) in it. It is not definitive yet, but the usual method when you completely crash your OS didn´t work out, so he´s trying something else right now, I can´t say what exactly, I´m not an expert. But he is (it´s his job), so I believe he knows what he´s doing.
The weird fact is (in my opinion) that even BIOS is can´t be loaded. I don´t know if I mentioned that enough, but this is a software problem, what power loss while Avast check caused. And the main problem right now, that we don´t have OS installation disc (because it´s laptop) and can´t get to the recovery disc on the HDD to reinstall whole OS.
And the fact, that this happen while taking Virus check by avast sounds important to me.
I have serious doubts that it was avast which caused you HDD crash.
Could it be the power loss then power surge?
Were you getting any crash dumps before the total crash?
Were you experiencing any slow boot times?
There are way too many causations to draw a definitive conclusion.
Blaming avast is jumping the gun a little or a lot.
Once more again, I apology for misunderstanding - in didn´t crashed my HDD, but my Windows 8 OS. The data are most probably ok, but I´m not able to work with them.
And no, usually when your laptop turn off because of your battery, it doesn´t damage all you system.
Again, I seriously doubt it was avast!
And I’m still waiting to hear if…
You had any crash dumps?
Did you have any slow boot-times?
Did you have slow shut-down times?
Was your laptop acting sluggish?
No! It was absolutelly OK. I did this before-Windows-start AVAST virus check/test/control. And unfortunatelly, when looking for viruses, laptop turned off due to dead battery. When I turne it on, there was this window with "Operartional System needs to be repaired because it´s damage. I clicked “ok” or something, it worked and after several minutes it restarted and since than I´m not able to open even BIOS. So the fact is that Avast checking your computer before OS starts, crashes your laptop if it turn off during that.
If the “BIOS” does not load then you have much larger problem that “OS” corruption issue.
However, below you state this…
Assuming your laptop gets past POST (power on self test)…basically thru BIOS then tap F8 and load safe mode.
See if you can go back to last known good config.
If you have restore points this is option too.
If it allows you to run the recover console you can do this and try to do repair from it.
…else you can download recovery disk ISO, burn and boot to it and try to recover.
If you have another Windows 8 machine:
I have W7 so a lot of sites to download for W7…not sure about W8…do some googling.
I’m not an Avast person but IT guy…but as RejZor & Para-noid said this “event” was triggered by the battery fail and what the O/S was doing at this time to the HDD. I know this point may be a distinction without a difference but to “Recover” it is about O/S repair…thus, you may want to join this Forum and post…a lot of good “MS” folks there. Not sure which version of W8 but here is main link:
I’m not trying to deflect an answer…perhaps others can chime in…but rather point you to quickest experts on O/S recover.
Thanks for you answer, actually I´m getting the larger problem - I can´t load even BIOS, so no safe mod possible. When I turn my computer, there are just few lines with text and “Please insert boot disc and press any key” Not a word about Microsoft or anything, no BIOS.
This means it does not see your HDD. I think BIOS should be OK.
When the machine boots you have 5-8 second message to select a function key to go into BIOS.
It depends on your machine…but sometimes DELETE key, sometimes F2…it should show on screen.
Once in BIOS go to main page that shows HDD…see if it lists the HDD…usually in the menu that has the boot devices.
If the HDD is “listed” then the HDD has not crashed…should show manufacturer/size, etc.
If the “HDD” is "not listed then the HDD has crashed…bummer…hardware failure.
If this is the case then if you are not a techy you need to bring to PC shop and have them pull the HDD out of the laptop and hopefully access it via external USB control and pull your data files. If so, then they will need to put in new HDD, install O/S, etc.
If the HDD IS listed in the BIOS then the hardware has not crashed but the boot sector does not know where to find the O/S.
At this point go above to my comments and see if you can get a repair Windows 8 repair CD and boot to it…perhaps it can “repair” the issue.
If you are up and running in the repair CD there are other options within the command prompt you can get to try to get to known last good point on restore point. However, at this point I’d go to the MS forum and start a post/thread there to have them help you on restore.
Question, at the beginning of this topic you said your battery went dead ?..are you sure ?
You were running on battery alone ?..not plugged in ?
I ask because if you were on AC power then even if the battery died the laptop would not crash…thus, sounds like a HDD crash.
If you were 100% on battery then if you were “running Avast” that means you were booted…you said that you crashed during O/S boot.
So, I’m confused when the crash really happened, what you were doing, and if you were plugged into AC or not ?
I don´tk now if I´m using the right word for it, but it happened while looking for viruses, testing, checking disc if there is any virus or something. And there were two parts of this test - first when testing normally all files and after that second part was restarting and looking for viruses right after restart (I believe before loading O/S?) And yes, my laptop was running just on the battery, it wasn´t plugged. And I didn´t notice that the battery is low and when it restarted or maybe a few secs later (I wasn´t looking for it whole time) it turned off (Battery went dead). I plugged my laptop in power and turned on my laptop and there became this Windows window tellimg me that there has been fatal failure and the O/S needs to be repaired. So after the re-start (after plug in) it was still ok (so the HDD is not gone). I clicked on “repair”, than after a minute it restarted and just gave me the message insert boot disc.
I´m not having laptop, a friend of mine, IT pro, has at the moment. He told me right now, that he can get to the BIOS, and he sees the HDD, but it is more difficult, something unsual. So he´s trying to solve it.
Ohhhh…think you are talking scan with a reboot to boot-time scan.
OK…so this is good news…HDD is not crashed…but boot sector does not see the O/S. It sounds like your laptop is in good hands with a techy but to oversimplify getting a Windows 8 “repair CD” (not same as O/S CD) and insert into DVD/CD ROM bay and boot to it. During power on you should have “boot menu” option with another special key or your friend can go into BIOS and move the DVD/CD ROM up ahead of the HDD in boot sequence. Basically, you want the PC to boot from this CD instead of trying the HDD. If your friend has Windows 8 on his PC he can generate the repair CD from these instructions:
Once you boot the machine to this CD there is host of things you can do…but go to other MS Forum and post where you are and before trying anything have them walk thru the options.
Also, be sure to put the battery in and plug the PC in and let charge…even if you are waiting on forum posts. For what it is worth…never run utils on battery…they are CPU hogs and kill low battery levels. Also, when this gets back up and running go into power options and make sure that at some low battery percent 5% you have it go to STBY and not shutdown. Typically, there are at least two levels of battery warning…low & critical. This way if the PC goes to STBY you can come out of and graceful shutdown things and the PC…or plug it in !!!