Avast Test Results - Avast users can be proud!

Hi malware fighters,

We cannot comment in detail what it is in the AV product-test
of a well-known Dutch computer-user magazine by the name of

But some results can be revealed.
-Nr 1 Panda Titanium. Nr 2 are McAfee Virusscan Euro 44,95,
and [b]Avast Home /b .
-Nr. 3.Kaspersky av.
-Nr. 4. G-DATA.
What other big vendors’ results were, I cannot tell,
because the magazine must have invested quite a sum here,
because it was a quality test firm that performed the AV-testing.
For the readers of this magazine it is quite a surprise our free
scanner holds second place. So a lot of people start to count
their buttons, realizing they paid quite some money for an AV product .
We know why that is. I think in the magazine they will start a
discussion about the implications of this news.

“a proud avast user”

my avatar explains it best for avast ;D ::slight_smile:
now’s there 2 garfields :smiley:

Hello drhayden1,

Yep, this is good news, and I think the makers of Avast are glad to hear about this.
No time to lay back, but onwards Avast.


As a bonus there is a Garfield for you. You know where to click, eh?

click where…it doesn’t work-at least avast! does :slight_smile:

edited…very funny polonus :stuck_out_tongue:

Avast is simply th best :smiley:

Thanks polonus, I think Avast has a good balance of detection and resource usage. I mean, what good is an A/V program that detects everything but slows your system to a crawl?