Avast Text

The text within Avast settings are way to light (Pale) I can hardly read most of it, also one page the text is impossible some letters are high lighted and some letters are to pale to read, somebody needs to make the text larger and more bold. Please can someone help me?

Thanks :frowning:

Other users already asked for that… avast does not support themes and different colors schemes.
Maybe they should to reconsider this in the future.

I am not asking for themes and different color schemes…I just want to be able to read without quenching every time I check something in the program.

What do you mean reconsider this in the future ???

Make it easier to read.

Adjust the brightness and the contrast of your monitor…!! :wink:

Thanks Asyn but I tried that already and it made no change in the text.

Thanks Tech I fully agree with you “they should reconsider this problem”


Thank You :slight_smile: