avast!: The AAVM subsystem detected a RPC error.

I think what David has posted is safe, i.e., disabling the antispyware tool of the firewall. You’re very good covered by avast.

About the logon change, it shouldn’t mess anything… what does exactly happened?

Well when I disabled those features it didn’t do anything to my log-on on my old system (also XP Pro) I had to click my user account and enter my password.

Greeting from Germany. I’ve the same problem with the notification and no idea to solve it. All I can read here I’ve done and try. Install and reinstall, formated the harddrive, setup several times a new windows xp. No success. The red button don’t disappears.

The next time, I startet the computer, something strange happens: the red button disappears. Then it works for a while.
After a while the red dot is back. I don’t no what happened.
I’m desperate and helpless. Somebody has an idea?

Did you have any other antivirus in the past in this computer?
If so, how did you remove it?

If you never had other antivirus in this machine, I suggest full computer on-line scanning, because your avast installation seems corrupted (maybe Bagle/Beagle infection):
Kaspersky (very good detection rates)
Trendmicro housecall
BitDefender (free removal of the malware)

The person who built my computer for me installed a special log on background screen. It was silver with a big XP Pro in the middle of the it. On the left upper corner it had a blue butterfly with “Elaine’s World” next to it. It also told me how many unopened Hotmail emails I had received since the last time I checked my email. I would have to click on the “Elaine’s World” to log on to my computer. Now I get what I assume must be the default blue Windows log on screen. Still have to click on a butterfly to log on though. This blue screen is divided down the middle with a small Windows logo on the left side and the butterfly on the right side.

I would imagine that your special log-on background screen might have required that your desktop was set to active desktop ?

I don’t think that this would be easy for you to replicate so you might have to contact him again.

mustangladee, did you run the on-line scanning I’ve posted before? Which are the results?

No… I did not run the online scanner. That post was made after I had already got my avast working. I don’t really see a reason to run it now since everything seems to be working fine. I can live with not having a customized log on page. I am just happy to have the avast and the firewall working together! Thanks!

Is it really fully working?
You can use other tools to be sure you’re clean (if you’re infected the avast installation even correctly could not solve all the troubles…). Use SUPERantispyware, MBAM or Spyware Terminator to scan for spywares and trojans. If any infection is detected, better and safer is send the file to Quarantine than to simple delete than.

The Scanning don’t work, because another antivirus is on my machine. I think, I have to deinstall avast firtly. A second problem is java. I can’t install java on my computer.

Which application (antivirus) are you trying to install?

Sorry, wrong expression. Only avast is in use. The question is to uninstall it.

  1. Uninstall avast from Control Panel first. (Boot in Safe Mode if it fails in normal Windows).
  2. Boot.
  3. Download the latest version of Avast Uninstall and use it for complete uninstallation.
  4. Boot.