Well that’s the thing, there’s no traffic, the connections are not active, they are just hanging there doing nothing. When I took the screenshots I wasn’t doing anything and the browser was closed down, in fact I did everything that was in my power to shut down the connections, I even tried “break connection” from outpost, and they just don’t want to die. Considering outpost can’t shut them down, it’s obviously that avast is “protecting” them, which enforces the reason why I believe it’s avast itself who is just “leaking” them. I don’t pretend to know anything about how avast was written but I’m a programmer and from this perspective all my suspicions point to avast. I’m not saying that avast is entirely the problem here, but maybe it’s something that occurs within a certain context, operating system, or whatever else.
I’m running Windows 7 Ultimate, 64bit version on an i3 dual core pentium, my outpost version is pro 2009 with lifetime license too… As you can see in my second screenshot (posted here) I’ve got those connections stuck there for 5 hours now, they are obviously not going to disappear till I restart, but I’ll monitor the situation and come back here with updates, maybe someone can figure this out.
The thing is, I’ve been using this avast free + outpost for almost 2 years now and I’ve never had this problem of connections not dying out, I always had avast pop up many connections and that’s normal considering the web traffic (I don’t use any desktop email clients, just web based) the only thing that does network traffic on my end is the occasional software updates/checks, multiplayer/online games, web browsers, and my 2 IM applications google talk and yahoo messenger, oh and occasionally avast and outpost ofc. The thing is, I have only started using windows 7 this year once I bought my new PC, so this may be a windows 7 related issue because I never had this problem before, when I was using windows xp, also, the second thing that changed besides the OS, was the avast version, on my XP machine I used to have the same outpost 2009 pro but I was running avast 4.x (the one with the old blue “a” icon).
Hope this info helps anyone following this issue, I have a feeling I’m not the only one with this problem, I’ll keep tracking the problem and will post more info here or a solution if I ever find one.