avast! Tray Icon Tooltip... Should be changed or not?


I think tray icon tooltip should include information about “Virus definition version”.


I think program version and virus definition both…
If a scan is going on then scan percentage also…like “Full Scan 15%” or “Custom Scan 55%”
and if it is getting updated then it should show “virus database 110427 Updating… 20%” if database is getting updated or “avast! program version 6.0.1091 Updating…21%”

if “ask when an update is available” is checked then avast sys tray should show
“avast! virus database 110427-1 available”
“avast! program 6.0.1092 available”


The virus database version won’t hurt…

Leave well alone , if you want any more info just right click the globe and select “About”.

Thanks we didn’t know that… ;D

But every time we have to keep checking avast! UI for new avast program version update. It doesn’t worth for users notifying program updates via system tray tooltip?


Which takes less than 1/2 a second to do … what is the problem with that?

well wats the point of having a tooltip of any kind then? u can see that avast is working by opening the UI as well. while wer at it, why doesnt avast just remove the tray icon entirely, u can simply go into ur start menu and launch the UI to see if its working properly.

the point is it makes sense to have that kind of info in the tooltip, i also wouldnt mind if avast made the text more relevent as in the IS version should say Avast Internet Security, etc.

With the auto VPS updates and the tray icon notifications if your VPS is out of date (Yellow triangle with ! over the avast icon), I honestly can’t see what the need for this information is.

I also have SAS Pro in the system tray and this does provide this information, but it to has auto updates and I never bother hovering over that tray icon either.

Another useless poll! ::slight_smile:

That’s true, but when do we know that click worths? I just mean, being user friendly. Like it notifying virus definition updated. Else not just to hold more info. Most time I get to know that there is a new version through CNET. avast.com doesn’t provide any version information either on their site.


Then I guess you haven’t looked in detail, a very handy tool in most web sites is the site map link, usually at the bottom of the pages and this is there in avast.com, http://www.avast.com/en-gb/release-history.

You could also bookmark/monitor the >> Updates << topic in the General forum or click the Notify option in that topic and that will keep you abreast of updates (email when new posts are added) including avast also.

You could also monitor or subscribe to the avast blog, blog.avast.com.

Add that lot to the about avast or the avastUI itself and essentially there is more information available than you can shake a stick at

Why we hate changes…?
When earlier I wrote a suggestion to change avast! GUI then everybody here except many others said why you want to stare at avast GUI…? avast tray icon says everything…
And now when I am talking about something to add to tray icon then you people are telling me to see GUI…
I think some people has a strong belief that a newbie can not make a good suggestion…

@bioxx read again I have mentioned only about two things…

When you hover the mouse over the avast orange ball it tells you if your system is secure.

I would like to see both the program number and virus definition number added to the hover over. However, I would be happy if just the virus definition number was added :slight_smile:

Other software does it so why can’t avast?

Fact is: You have to hover over the orange ball to click it.

A lot more convenient than having to open the GUI or go a webpage. No props/clicks needed ;D

+1 :slight_smile: Yep, Convenience…

That’s what I was trying to tell… 8)
+1 too…

Wow that’s beyond the AV scope mate…


:slight_smile: Yeah it’s just my feedback…
