Avast Trial acting like a virus/trojan.

Hi all, I have sent a ticket to Avast Team, but would also like to see if anyone else is having the same issue. Here is my Email (I was quite annoyed by the pop up).

Hallo Avast team, I will start by saying I love your product and have used it for the past 5-6 years, I also tell everyone I know to use it instead of rubbish like Nortons or AVG. Now for the 'WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!' part, look Avast I am no being silly here but once the 'FREE' trial of the full product is fininshed send me emails, maybe a little reminder on the daily updates, or a splash screen at windows boot but can you please turn that bloody hateful game wrecking piece of shit pop up off please.

I love your product (as above) but I was about 1 second away from going to NOD or anyone after your software crashed me to desktop (whilst in ‘SILENT GAMING MODE’) with that bloody POPUP! I was very interested in paying such a low price for some great security features, well until you ram it down my neck all day with work stopping popups!!! Honestly I am so furious you cannot imagine how flipped out I was on Friday (leading a LEAGUE RACE to get CTD for a bloody advert!).

I have calmed down as I have not sworn at you once, but I promise if I see another popup from avast I am gone, disgraceful use of my PC to advertise a product that I DO NOT NEED TO KNOW HOW GOOD IT IS AS I GET PEOPLE TO USE IT! Honestly remove that from your software as quick as possible as I am sure I am not the only one affected by it’s annoyance. You did not even put a ‘Don’t show this again’ box to tick to remove the pain in the arsebum, b****cks (sorry, trying to stay cool).

Again thanks Avast for making such a great product, a really great product. But please remove that horrid, Voldemort popup shit as soon as possible. Thanks for your time.

P.S. The latest update broke loads of games and as such you have to turn Avast off whilst playing rFactor2, GTR2 P&G and a few others. Not a big problem but still not good. More annoyed by the pop up than a little bug in the programming

Now I am not trying to annoy the Avast Team by putting my ticket up, as I know they do a great job. I would just like to see if anyone else is going through this pop up annoyance.

Thanks Avast.

maybe i need glasses… but did you say what pop-up ?..what does it say

this i guess :wink:

.....but once the 'FREE' trial of the full product is fininshed......
why dont you buy it.....or use the free product ?

I don’t know whether I should talk to you! Those don’t look like Liver Birds to me? :wink:

You are indeed right (unlike Rooney with hair), it is the most annoying thing I can think of from such a company as Avast. Let’s face it they allow us to use their product for free. Still kill the poo up thingy (yes, I said poo). I know it is only a small annoyance but still it nearly caused me to lose a race, never a happy bunny in the field of tranquility when a software issue stops me from enjoying my drunken stupor.

I take it you have seen the same thing? Also what’s the weather like in London (well you must have seen that coming from a scouse loving idiot). Thanks for the reply I thought I was going mad. :slight_smile:

Hi Horus,

I guess this thread (specifically igor’s post) is relevant here:



Also what's the weather like in London (well you must have seen that coming from a scouse loving idiot).
Difficult to say.......there are a couple of mountains blocking my view, and cant look over the north sea ;D

although I agree the pop up might be really annoying when in the middle of playing any game (as it doesn’t support game/silent mode apparently), that’s not a reason to make so much fuss about it >>> just renew your “free” license for christ’s sake ::slight_smile:

I would have, but I wanted to buy the full license when I had the money with the discount. lol

In the end I did just sign a free license, still I would rather that type of pop up did not happen. It is unnecessary and puts people off of using such a great AV. So yes there was an easy resolution, that still does not remedy the annoyance of a pop up. To be honest I expect pop ups from virals and Trojans, not a legitimate program like Avast.

Thanks Scott, how strange that is my name :slight_smile: I have read through that thread and it is exactly what I was frustrated by. sid1996, puts my thoughts into words better than I could ever do. Thanks again Scott.

Hello fellow Avast users, Say I too love the product, “free version” and after about a year, I was just getting really familiar with all the can dos and can’t dos, with the program and I was wanting to upgrade, when they so inviting offered to let me try their Trial Version and I said Sure, OK. Now I am Locked Up with a half uninstalled “Free Version” and half installed “Trial Version” and No “Uninstaller Remover Tool” available on their “Web Page” or anywhere else on the web!!! And I can’t try anything else until I can get their Stuff off my computer, Microsoft and all of the rest just say can’t install until you clear your PC of other Anti-Virus Software !! I will come Back to Avast whenever they get this all Straighten Out!! Help Me Please, signed Stuck in the Middle, Okieboy7…I have a Real Nice Machine and It’'s going to stay that Way!!!

http://www.avast.com/en-us/uninstall-utility :wink:

Hello again fellow Avast users. And Thank You Memento Mori for responding to my cry for help. Well I did everything you asked and I got a pop up saying that Avast was “Swatting” whatever that means and I finally did get a response informing me that according to the little Uninstaller window that Avast has been Successfully removed and then I tried to download Microsoft Essentials and it said failure due to Error can not complete installation! I’ve tried Safe Mode, Live Mode, and everything I can think of and nothing seems to work!
I would Love to install a Fresh Copy of Avast, but all of my attempts to download their software come up empty, sever not found, and I mean All of them, so for now I am Forced to find some replacement until they get back on Line!! Signed Stuck in the Middle. Thanks again, Okieboy7 …

Try this…

  1. Download avast! Free Antivirus: http://files.avast.com/iavs5x/avast_free_antivirus_setup.exe
  2. Follow instructions: http://www.avast.com/uninstall-utility
  3. Reinstall avast! with the downloaded installer from point 1.
  4. Reboot.

Hello again fellow Avast users, And Thanks again Syn, for the information. Well I downloaded both copies of the downloads as you said to do, and when I ran them, the uninstaller ran just fine, but when I tried to install the fresh copy of Avast it said failure to read text, data, script or whatever, and it said install can not continue.
Oh ya, It also said it was “spawning” whatever that means. You know towards/close to the end of the Trial Period and as time was running out, it offered me a chance, to change back to the free version and I guess I should have, but it’s hard to after being spoiled with their very best program, and I Loved It and I still do and I hope they get it back on line real soon!! Still Stuck in the Middle, Okieboy7…

It sounds like you have several versions of Avast on your machine. Go into Safe Mode and use the Avast Uninstaller Tool. But this time, uninstall EACH version you have and each product with a reboot in between each uninstall starting with v.7. Then reinstall the product/version you need. Now see if your problem is resolved.

Hello Again Fellow Avast users, Say you know what “SafeSurf” your a Genius, ya it took a little while to do all of that rebooting, but Success at last, Wow you really did it, and all the while I thought I was going to have to do a major over haul. Well I did a little Registry research and I found a little piece of Avg. was still there, And just like you said there were four other Avast programs left to deal with. Well I bought this computer in a collage town (used), a real nice one (Dell) and I added a new hard drive and I beefed up the Ram a little bit and it’s pretty much up to date as you can get. But who knows just what those kids put this machine through. All of your information was correct but there’s still some wrong with all my Avast webs pages they keep saying sever not found. Well anyway, Thank you ever so much, and I hope I don’t have to come here for awhile!! And
Happy Surfing!! Okieboy7…PS. You would not believe how much better I feel now!!!