Avast tries to connect to internet despite manual setting

2 days ago I installed Avast 4 Home edition, build 4.0.202. The program seems to work fine but …

Every time windows (Windows ME) is started Avast tries to connect to internet. (I have a dial-up connection. ) But I changed the update settings for both the virus data and the program to MANUAL, so I expected Avast not to connect to internet.

Does anyone recognize this problem and has a solution?

Rinse Bakker

Make a Bpardsearch for “dial” or “connect” maybe you can solve your problem by taking a look at the reults. If i remember corecty someone else had the same Problem

I had the same thing happening too when set updates to manual::).

The advice I got from the helpful people on this forum was:

  1. Open …program files\avast\data\avast4.ini by right clicking and open with notepad

  2. Add the following 2 lines at the end:


  3. Then save and exit

  4. Reboot

  5. Problem solved

Greetings ramam, yes, it was me :wink:
