As I’ve posted before (, I was trying to work on an avast! Tweaker tool.
It will be an application to modify and enhance avast! antivirus. It’s being developed mostly for XP (some functions will work on Vista or Windows 98).
It will be a conditionware, I mean, it will be available to avast! evangelists (at least on beta stage) and, maybe in the future, for avast! Sr. Member forum users.
It won’t be available for all avast! users, never, but only for the permanent forum users.
The users must have some knowledge about avast! and, using the forums, know how much it costs, I mean, I don’t want that newbies come here and say:
“Oh, what such an interface… it looks like a toy…” C’mon, I’m making this piece of software to those who really knows what it means, technically and sentimentally.
The executable will be time limited and if the user don’t come to forums to help he/she won’t be able to use the Tweaker.
In this beta stage, features are mostly read-only.
Anyway, the program ask for outbound connection at port 12080 (if you’re using WebShield) because, in the future, will be able to update avast! by the interface.
Application logo and icon done by the master graphics guru S.Z.Craftec. (of course!)
First beta is 1.21 September 2006 and will expire in 12-31-2006.
If you are eligible to receive it, just ask me by IM, inform your email address and I’ll send it to you.
Thanks for testing it.
All comments and suggestions are welcoming
It will be an application to modify and enhance avast! antivirus. It's being developed mostly for XP (some functions will work on Vista or Windows 98).
Does this mean that it would not work for Windows2000
Well… it should be an auto-help application, specially for avast! evangelists…
At the moment, I need to finish it… there are a lot of work to do… help file and tutorial will be in a very future…
No… it should work. Just I can’t test as I don’t have Windows 2k.
Please, take care in the future because this ‘toy’ could change a lot of avast settings and you need to know what you’re doing
I’ll try it again at my next restart. I currently have Tiger Woods 06 opened in the back maybe that can be connected somehow? Anyway i’ll have to try it again when i restart to see if it’s still the same. Will report back…
You’re right… But Evangelists prove - at least for a while - their fidelity to avast, their capacity to help…
You’ll get it soon. Keep your good work
Oh, better, if you don’t get fanatic to avast! as we are ;D ;D
Mikey… due to new avast 5 Antikill feature, I’ll have to re-write all the ‘apply’ settings. Besides this, I’m trying to prepair a ‘default’ buttom to bring back the settings.
All these take a long time. Sorry, remember, just a very new beta (I should called it alpha…) :
Wow :o :o
Welcome back… You’ve disapeared… you were studing in Australia, weren’t you? Did you finish your PHD?
I need your email address to send it to you