Scan a Windows PC For Viruses from a Ubuntu Live CD
Has anyone seen this yet : http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/14434/scan-a-windows-pc-for-viruses-from-a-ubuntu-live-cd/
Looks… Interesting - & - Useful! 8)
Scan a Windows PC For Viruses from a Ubuntu Live CD
Has anyone seen this yet : http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/14434/scan-a-windows-pc-for-viruses-from-a-ubuntu-live-cd/
Looks… Interesting - & - Useful! 8)
Interesting … and useful if you have Firefox but not everyone does.
CharleyO, you don’t have to have Firefox to use avast for Linux…
Just that it is the browser of Ubuntu if I’m not wrong. (Besides Konqueror).
The only problem I have found using avast! for linux was that it wouldn’t fit in the size of the VM window…which is limited to 800x600…(although I think other programs have the same problem…)
Otherwise it works fine
Yeah. Same here.