avast unauthorized get my money

Hey guys,sorry i am from Turkey my english not good but i need help avast today get my money 95turkish lira Although I have come off the Automatic renewal, now I’m taking what I can do about it if they do not do e-mail and do not return together to the customer service I have experienced in the climate of Turkey.Please someone help me i need this money cas its my last money.
My Order number:


Refund request: https://support.avast.com/en-us/contact/sales_refund/


i did this but noone did return

When did you do this ?
What was the support ticket ID number you were given ?

i did today i dont remember ticker number but i did,and my mail adress:haymania48@gmail.com you can check it maybe

We don’t work for Avast. We use the product just like you.
Post the Support Ticket # and we’ll pass it on to Avast.

Ticket number:08473056

Reported to Avast. Now you need to be patient. Also remember that this is Easter weekend.

Considering you only did it today, it is unlikely that you would have received a reply on the same day, other than possibly an auto response email acknowledging the support ticket contact.

It can take up to 5 working days for it to be dealt with, so with this as Easter weekend business days will make this longer.

If you have a valid request for refund, you will get it, the time to process this isn’t an issue if you have a valid refund request.

I would suggest modify or remove your email address in a public forum, it could be harvested by a spam bot.

Damn.10 days ago avast send me a mail we can do this in 7 business day but they dont anything.So how can i get my money why noone help me?

i 1 more send ticket,ticket number:08546058
how can they be so irresponsible

Each time you send a new ticket, the process starts all over again. Have a little patience.
If you’re entitled to a refund, you will receive it.