Avast Update don't work

Hi everybody,

i’ve made first installation of avast 4.8 on xp home (26/08/08), no problems, the hhd scan found 4 viruses all removed. My problem is about the automatic update , it doesn’t work, each time it display an http 403 error message with ip adress of the avast server .

if i go directly on avast.com to DL the last update file i can update it on my pc.

What can i do ?

Thank’s for your help,

best regards

Well 403 access denied/forbidden is a bit strange to say the least.

Have you tried a manual update (not as you have described) right click the avast ‘a’ icon, select Updating, iAVS Update, does that work ?

Do you use any privacy settings in say your firewall or other security application, this might block the transmission of information ?


The 403 Forbidden HTTP status code indicates that the client was able to communicate with the server, but the server doesn't let the user access what was requested.

An example of descriptive English text that can often accompany such a response is You don’t have permission to access /foo on this server.

This indicates a fundamental access problem, which may be difficult to resolve, because the HTTP protocol allows the Web server to give this response without providing any reason at all. So the 403 error is equivalent to a blanket ‘NO’ by your Web server - with no further discussion allowed, and according to the RFC specifications, with a 403 error code, the request should not be repeated.

This response may indicate a resource that requires authentication,

Also see, http://support.microsoft.com/kb/245142.

What is your firewall ?

yes, same result it doesn’t work

Do you use any privacy settings in say your firewall or other security application, this might block the transmission of information ?
No nothing in xp firewall and

What is your firewall ? XP firewall sp2 home edition on my pc , but my home lan is behind a material firewall based on ipcop distribution.

Isn’t it which is blocking avast to update?
Can you ping files.avast.com ?

thank’s to all giving me ideas
Yes ping on files.avast.com is ok from the LAN.
all the software used before avast (Norton , Macafee, Panda) were working fine behind my material firewall. each time http protocol is blocked by firewall a html page is open to inform why it is blocked, for avast nothing from ipcop so i don’t think it may in cause for this problem.

Is it possible to uninstall and reinstall to see if something change after, could it be possible to have a virus blocking only automatic update?

  1. Uninstall avast from Control Panel first.
  2. Boot.
  3. Download the latest version of Avast Uninstall and use it for complete uninstallation.
  4. Boot.
  5. Install again the latest avast! version.
  6. Boot.
  7. Check and post the results.

I don’t think so.