Avast Update Notice or a FRAUD

This morning when I turned on my computer, I BROWN Avast advertisement popped up announcing new version/features. The only one I can remember, and it was the first one listed, was auto correct mistyped
misspelled URLs. I clicked the X in the upper right corner as I didn’t care to upgrade. It instantly started to connect to download. I quickly disconnected from the Internet. First, I’m suspicious because the
program ignored my command to exit out and not install. And, I don’t see an “auto correct mistyped URLs” in the list of features in the latest version, 7.0.1466.
So can someone verify if this was legit or not? And if it was, why would Avast continue to update after I chose to exit?

Site correct is a legitimate feature, see pic below

Thanks for the screen shot. I’m still not positive about the update notice tho. I’ve never seen a brown colored notice of any kind from Avast and when I tried to exit out, it continued to go on line and download. That has never happened before.
And, I just opened Avast to see which free version I’m running and I’m greeted with “not connected with any Avast Acct” :-\


Im not sure iv noticed a brown popup before, could be something new from avast.

As for the avast account it’s only for checking your security statis online and not neccessary for the protection of your system, i dont use it or have it connected either.

I have not noticed a ‘Brown’ bannner either. ???
Here’s the colours I’ve have. :slight_smile:

It’s a trick by Donovan!


Duh. Why are there no smileys?

Has anyone ever Xed out of an update and the program ignore that command and start connecting to the server to download?
I thought nothing of the update popup (except noticing the color) till that happened. That’s when I became suspicious. It looked
completely legit. I’m anxious to see if it happens again. This time I’ll get a screen shot.

Well, somewhat more serious now:

Can you conjure up the brown popup by rightclicking the yellow ball and selecting ‘Show last popup message’? When I wanted to copy that window, I had to pin the message on the screen (symbol next to the X in the upper right corner) and did alt-printscreen.

Best regards,

I can but unfortunately it wasn’t the last popup. I got a blue one later in the bottom right corner. That’s another thing.
This brown one was not quite center of the screen…between center and bottom right. I’m pretty sure they’re always in the bottom
right corner.
And, I did mention that the program wouldn’t close and continued to connect to the server. In my first and second messages :slight_smile:

In a posting within one thread or another quite a while back, complaining about the upgrade popups, it was noted that apparently if your “aim” for the “X” to close the window is the least bit off, i.e. not totally within the box, it treats the click as within the ad and reacts accordingly.

I don’t know if Avast ever fixed that, but possibly that’s what you’re getting.

Thanks Mike. I have encountered programs that are finicky like that. Hopefully that’s all it was.
It’ll be interesting to see if I get another popup like it.

It’s also a spyware trick to draw a box with the X being active as an Enter function… something one would hope their virus checker would prevent.