Been an Avast user for a couple years now and recently had my Pro version subscription expire. I went ahead and did a full uninstall and used the Avast uninstall tool. I downloaded the newest Avast Free and installed it. Everything is working but the Update will cot connect to the servers even though I have added Avast to my Microsoft Firewall. I also cannot Register the product. It is telling me the servers cannot be found or connected. Any suggestions?
Are you using Avast! 6? One thing recommended is to add the Avast! folder to the OA exclusions if you have not already done so. I believe it is a different folder in 6 than in 5 if you did a clean install.
See if you can connect to
I just tried to go to the website and like the Forum for most of yesterday can not access it.
Just connected and now all is well. Looks like Online Armour works even when OFF. Had to turn it on, make the exception and then turn it off and now all is well. Thanks