Avast Updates?

I don’t ever notice when Avast updates, sometimes I’m not near the computer when it does, so I guess thats why?

i noticed that avast always updates when the pc is just being boot up…

WOW thats weird… 2 updates have occurred since I got it, and I haven’t seen none of them, but I know it has update because I have checked the virus definition, but I guess because when I’m not around its updating, is there a specific time for it to update?


Firstly, Avast will update as often as db updates are available. This might be as often as twice a week. Avast Pro uses what is referred to as the “ivas push” which is an update that is “time urgent” and one that the Avast team can send to your computer even when you do not ask for an update. This is a very important feature of the Pro version (it is not working yet…but will be very soon)

Anyway, where were we…Oh yes…Normally, you will hear the Avast program “talk” to you and alert you to the db update. If you have not, then you should check to see if you have the sounds disabled.

Open up the main interface. Right click on it, or use the Menu button and go into Settings, Sounds. See if you have the sound disable box checked. If so, uncheck it.
If it is not checked, then go into the Sounds, Settings. Make sure you do not have Mute checked.
Only one more to check…Scroll down the list of audio devices until you reach the section for Avast. Look for Automatic VPS update. Click the arrow pointing to the right to play the sound. If it plays “Virus database has been updated”,
(I know…sometimes I don’t hear it either)

Let me know how this turns out.
Note: The program update will only show the “blue box”, but will not alert you with sound.

Have fun with Avast!
