I’m thankful for a free home virus program, but often I have serious computer slowdown for over an hour, during which time I restart my online program, usually more than once. Many, many times during these periods in which I think I need a new computer, the little blue message will pop up that “Avast has finished updating the newest software.” It seems that the updating is what is slowing down the computer, and although I’m very thankful for virus protection, I get seriously irritated that my online time is very limited because of this updating – and it does seem that’s what’s causing the problem. It has happened too many times for it to be a coincidence. I do have an older computer, and it’s sometimes slow anyway, so maybe I need something else so that this won’t happen. Any suggestions? Browser update? I think I have Windows Explorer 7; I can’t remember where the hell to check.
Welcome to the forums, Jerrieee.
It would be helpful if you would post the specs of your computer.
Maybe run less programs at a time.
Maybe buying old RAM sticks compatible with this computer.
Maybe buying a new computer…
Difficult to say without further info.
Cold boot only when necessary. Recovering from hibernate will not restart Avast checking/download procedure.