Hi everyone my friend is telling me that avast notified him that there was a new update available then he said after 15-30 seconds his windows restart!Then he said now his windows could restart!
After a program update it may well require a restart for changes to be fully completed. However, avast doesn’t do that automatically, it pops-up a window informing a reboot is required and you choose to allow it it deny it.
I don’t understand what you mean by this “Then he said now his windows could restart!” ?
This would be normal, windows should be able to restart.
Or do you mean “Then he said now his windows couldn’t restart!”
Or do you mean “Then he said now his windows continually restarts!”
Please explain.
He could even enter the safe mode.
I take it you mean he couldn’t enter safe mode.
The automated restart first mentioned isn’t something which avast does, so my thought are this could have been something else, which I don’t know if it was related or not.
If they can’t get into either normal or safe mode there are few options left. One is the use of the recovery console which comes on the windows OS CD. Booting with that in the Optical drive should recognise that windows is installed and offer a number of options: Repair install is probably the best or if it gives a boot from Last known Good boot settings, etc.
They would have to have set their BIOS so that the optical drive is the first in boot order or it would try to boot normally.