Avast using Anti Piracy keys?

 Could it be true, seems like a logical solution to crack sites and hackers, what do you think?

Alwil team uses blacklist of keys for their products.
The users can’t update with a blacklisted key.
How will an antivirus work if it can’t be updated with the latest virusdatabases?

Hi Tech, I’m not a computer guru or anything like that, I was just grabbing at straws, but it just seems odd that such a sophisticated piece of software like this would not have some sort of code that will not accept a crack or keygen.

I’m not a hacker too… but, as far I can know, there isn’t single an useful program that is not cracked/keygened. So, why the effort?
Microsoft failed with Genuine Windows this year, Symantec failed with its activation process (so Microsoft too)…

Some programs are well-known difficult to crack: Webroot Spyweeper (can’t update) and Spector (a keylogger, when connected to Internet the authenticity is checked). The mechanisms used by these two programs could earn to Alwil an extra level of protection. But, as far I know, they won’t walk this way… Why? Maybe because the Home (free) version of avast is the best competitor of the Professional version :wink:

Well Tech, I’ll agree with you on all points you stated in your post. Thanks for taking the time too read my short post,lol and I want you guys to know this is the best forum i’ve ever belonged to. I hope other antivirus vendors are reading this forum. Avast will become a world wide industry leader in the future, and i hope all computer systems will come with Avast standard, keep up the good work.