Avast v4.1.342, OE6 and Win98SE

Running Windows 98SE, with updated IE/OE6 and have just updated Avast Home to the above mentioned version. On doing this I keep getting a dialog box for the username and password for the e-mail server sign on. I have followed the steps of restting those and the server address to original (so it won’t be run through Avast) and checked for proper operation and it works. Went through the mail protection wizard and afterwards it brings up the dialog box again. I checked the log and it shows connect error number 10050. I have tried a couple of different settings with no luck.

I’m out of ideas short of unloading the software and doing a reinstall. I’d prefer not to do that. Any ideas out there before resorting to this?

Hi :slight_smile:

I had the same trouble on 98se & solved it this way, go to windows update, scan for updates, if it doesnt find any critical ones then look in the second section (ie WIN98) & look for a update called Update Root Certificates, install that update & it should hopefully be solved, it helps with more secure browsing & email & it was the only way i could stop that password box popping up whenever i tried to send a email

M$ did release a new critical update for IE either in the past day or two, so if U not got it, get all of any critical updates if Ur not on dialup, if U are just try the Up[date Roots one & post back :slight_smile:

BaNzI ;D

Thanks for the info Banzi. I checked to make sure my updates have been downloaded and I made sure the root certificates update and critical updates are all caught up. Believe it or not I am adamant about keeping patched. I’m the sysadmin at my work and after getting hit with Nimda a couple years ago I make sure I’m kept up to date everywhere.

Any other ideas out there? I’m open to try anything reasonable.

::slight_smile: I had the same problem with XP. After I checked the server settings in OE and recognized that my email provider changed the “incoming/outgoing mail server settings” for POP3, modified them according to the new requirements everything was fine again. Don’t ask me why it worked meanwhile…

I’ve checked the server’s settings to make sure there aren’t any changes. No luck there. I have settings in IP address format as well as the mail.name.com format and tried both to no avail. :frowning:

Verify that your incoming and outgoing servers in OE are set to and your user ID in OE is something like this, “yourname#mail.yourisp.com

Also, are you using any spam programs in this chain?

Would changing the port number in OE other than 110 help?

Thanks for the response, Culpeper. Both of those servers are set to the internal address ( and the user ID is correct. I’ve looked at some else’s setup that uses Avast and it looks similar (different ISP).

There are no spam/antispam programs being used. I have ZoneAlarm Free on there but that hasn’t changed. The only thing that changed is updating Avast to a newer release through its update routine.

I don’t think changing the port number would make any difference. I did check to make sure that it was set at 110. I’m not sure but it seems that changing the port number in OE could cause a problem between either Avast and OE or Avast and the mail server.

I think I’ve expended just about all of the quick and easy solutions but that doesn’t mean I haven’t overlooked something. I have a feeling I may be going anead and uninstall/download/reinstall Avast today.

If there’s anyone else that has any ideas send them over. I plan on holding off as long as I can on going through that. Thanks for all of the help so far.

I suggest going through the Avast mail wizard with the reinstall.

The port number used by avast! and OE must be the same, unless you were using a spamkiller. In this last case, the spam application and avast! would have the same port number and the OE another, different from that one.

The Mail Protection Wizard could correct this in my opinion…

Had the same problem … so opened OE Tools/Accounts
I found that by “remove” all previous info and then"add "the old info plus original SMTP/POP server ie NOT Avast 127. etc
Then closed OE and hit the Wizard and had no probs since.
Hope this helps :slight_smile:

Ok guys, you always have to close the email client (program) before you run the Mail Protection Wizard 8)

Thank you all for the input. I’ve went and uninstalled Avast, made sure mail setting went back to original, downloaded the current version and installed it. It worked without a hitch as I figured it would.

Until this can be a “problem of the past” I won’t be downloading any program updates. :cry: I feel pretty safe with just up to date definitions. No sense in having to go through this 2+ times a week when there are program updates. I looked at the settings that were put in by Avast and they were identical to before I uninstalled it.

Just to close off with:

Had the same problem ... so opened OE Tools/Accounts I found that by "remove" all previous info and then"add "the old info plus original SMTP/POP server ie NOT Avast 127. etc Then closed OE and hit the Wizard and had no probs since. Hope this helps
One of the first things I did was to remove all of the settings in OE that Avast set so that it would bypass it, checked mail and got some. That way I knew that the mail server was working preperly.
Ok guys, you always have to close the email client (program) before you run the Mail Protection Wizard
One thing I always made sure of, when running the MPW to have OE closed down.

I wish I could figure out why it does this. ??? I’ve had this happen before but was able to fix it by resetting the settings and running the wizard. Now it just doesn’t want to fix itself. The only answer has to be in the coding. Perhaps I should leave this tidbit in the “Wish List” thread.

Thanks again for all of the help. It’s great to have a group that you can go to that will try to help out.

I had a similar problem. I found if I connected to the net via explorer first, that is before running outlook, then out look connected OK an mail was sent and received.