Avast version 4.6.744 :)

I be satisfied with new version of avast 4.6.744.

Very Thanks for good works :wink:

Well, we too 8)
Welcome to forums and feel free to ask any question about avast 8)

Welcome to the forums Czerstvy

Where’s the changelog on this?
I wanted to read what was fixed/updated. I thought I’d find something here but only this thread.

You can read the release history here

Welcome for all,
i use Avast since 10 month, i looking everyday the releases of program and viral’s base. It’s very good antivirus project with high developpement. :wink:

Welcome to forums. Nice to hear from a newbie.
If you need, come often to ask your questions about avast and security.
If you’re an advanced user, come to help the others 8)