avast! Version 4.7.981 causing BlueScreens on boot - Windows Vista Ultimate x64

As the topic says, ever since avast! tried to update to its newest version, I have been getting blue screen errors. It won’t even let me get into the login screen or anything. I’ve had to system restore to before avast! auto-updated to its newest version and somehow prevent it from auto-updating. Now avast! isn’t even running properly and it probably is because when I tried to uninstall/reinstall avast! from a fresh download it gave me a blue-screen error (after auto-updating before uninstall) and a System Restore brought me back.

How do I get this fixed? I’d like to be able to know that I can reboot my computer without worry of avast! giving me a blue-screen and causing me to System Restore.

Also, the last time I had to system restore Windows finally told me it recovered from a fatal error and I sent in the mini-dump information.

What avast! version and VPS file (virus database) number?
Do you use a firewall? Which one?
Do you have any other antivirus installed in your system?
Any other security programs that could interfere?
Any useful information into Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Events, specially ‘Errors’.


thanks for the information, and welcome to the avast forums. Please send the contents of the \windows\minidump folder to my email address for further analysis (the address is in my profile).

BTW what do you have in common with Jagr? :slight_smile:


avast! build 4.7.981, VPS file number not found since avast! is currently partially un-installed to allow me to reboot, etc. It would be the newest virus definition.
I’m at a University so firewall is from them, so I don’t know which. I doubt the firewall would be causing the problem since it allows me to update avast! and the virus definition database.
No other antivirus software installed on my system.
No other security programs, unless you could Windows in which I have disabled most of the windows protection.
There are lots of errors from avast! in the Administrative Tools and I have saved them but I have no place to upload them and I don’t believe I can upload them on here.

@Vlk: I believe my minidump cleared itself after I closed it, not too sure. I’ll check and send to email.

What do I have in common? Just a fan back when he was playing as a winger with Lemieux :).

EDIT: Ok I sent the minidump to you. I do not know if this minidump is from a bluescreen prior to me trying to uninstall/reinstall avast! from a fresh download from download.com though.

Hi again Jaromir ;),

I just had a look at the dump; however, I see NO connection with avast whatsoever. The crash seems to be happening inside DrvRealizeHalftonePalette function - which probably has something to do your graphics card drivers.

I’m a bit confused now – are you SURE that the problem happens only with avast installed? Haven’t you installed, together with avast’s latest version, e.g. some video card driver updates etc?


Yes I am positive it is with avast! when it upgrades to the latest build, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to get on my desktop right now. I have not upgraded video drivers lately (running latest Catalyst from ATI) and the problem only occurs when avast! upgrades. This partial uninstall (when I say partial, I mean that it shows up in system tray with the not-on symbol on) allows me to work properly. If I let avast! upgrade itself and reinstall the components, it will blue-screen and I have to go back to a system restore of April 12th, before your April 14th release. Upon boot of system restore avast! upgrades and once more blue screens whenever computer reboots, which doesn’t allow me to retrieve a minidump or anything. When it bluescreens I can’t write any information down or anything, my cursor appears for a second and then the screen goes blue, the letters flash scrambled for a second, and then my system reboots.

Do you have more minidumps than the one you sent me? Maybe the other ones would reveal more…


As I said the other minidumps cannot be retrieved because the only way I am able to get onto my system after the bluescreen is to go into safemode (which means it has to do with drivers, a program starting) and then select a system restore back to April 12th, which was the last time Windows updated itself. The only minidump I have is from when after I re-downloaded the latest avast! from download.com and had it uninstall the previous version of avast! so that I could reinstall the fresh copy. The uninstall did not work completely, obviously, and when my computer rebooted it bluescreened and then rebooted itself. This time however it did not let me select “Start Windows Normally” or “Safe Mode”, it simply just started booting into Windows and allowed me to login properly, with the message “Windows Recovered from a Fatal Crash” or something to that effect, with the minidump inside of the folder.

What if you, when in Safe Mode, instead of using the System Restore feature, simply uninstall avast?

I was going to try and do this the next time I restart my computer, especially if it gave me another blue screen.

So basically you suggest to completely uninstall it via Safe Mode and reinstall it to see if it works?

Yeah, something like that…

I had been using Avast for the longest time. I installed Vista on my computer and then installed Avast on it a while ago. It had been working until a month ago when I installed an update then I get a Blue screen every time. I can not get into the login screen of the operating system. I try to go to the Safe mode and installed Avast completely. then the computer starts normally. I try to re installed a fresh copy of avast from the site and then I did all the updates. then restarted the computer and I get the blue screen again. the computer refuses to start. but once I remove avast from the safe mode then the computer starts normally. I am so frustrated by now. I am running my computer with out an antivirus program right now. Can any one help me please? I don’t know what to try…

download latest version 4.7.1001

where can I get it? isn’t that the version on the website from yesterday. cause if it is that I try it with same result.

It would probably be best to do a clean install after what appear to be a failed update.

Download the avast! Uninstall Utility, find it here and save it to your HDD so you can find it later.

Download the latest version of avast http://www.avast.com/eng/programs.html and save it to your HDD, somewhere you can find it again. Use that when you reinstall.

Now uninstall, reboot, run the uninstall utility, reboot, install the latest version, reboot.

Thank you very very much. I finally have Avast running.

No problem, glad we could help.

Welcome to the forums.