Avast version 5 did not detect a Trojan.Zlob

My Avast version 5 did not detect a Trojan.Zlob infected file from my portable drive when I scanned it but Symantec did and removed it. After that, I did a full system scan of all my hard disks including my portable drive using Avast 5 and it found none. Is it possible that Trojan.Zlob is still in my system and my Avast 5 cannot detect it anymore?

The infected file was found in F:\System Restore Information\ folder of my portable drive. Today I checked the full path but I can’t find it anymore. The folder show as a hidden file from another computer (from where I scanned using Symantec) but in my netbook I can’t find it.

Thanks for the help.

Try these

DrWeb CureIt http://www.freedrweb.com/cureit/?lng=en
How Do I Use Dr.Web CureIt!? http://www.freedrweb.com/cureit/how_it_works/
Norman Malware Cleaner http://www.norman.com/support/support_tools/58732/en

save to desktop and run from there. they are not installed.when they have done the jobb, just drag and drop to the resycle bin


Welcome to the forum, would you like to submit the infected file sample to avast, first make it into .zip (or else) compressed file and send via email to virus@avast.com

Are you sure you were up to date?

19.1.2010 - 100119-0
Win32:Zlob-CYU [Trj], Win32:Zlob-CYV [Trj]

24.1.2010 - 100124-1
Win32:Zlob-CYW [Trj], Win32:Zlob-CYX [Trj], Win32:Zlob-CYY [Trj], Win32:Zlob-CYZ [Trj]

And Cahya is right, you need to upload to virustotal and would be good if you could send file to avast so that they are notified. You may have a new mutant of what is relatively well-known strain of virus.

Send a sample to virus@avast.com

  • classify file as undetected malware – add link to this topic in the forum
  • zip the message and password protect – secure password in the email body

Hi mkis,

I’m sorry if this is out of topic, but while you mention about zip the file and password protect, I wonder it is “a must” to give a password to the file?


I wonder it is "a must" to give a password to the file?
If not password protected the zip.file will be scanned by any antivirus program on outgoing or incoming mail server and removed if detected

Even on SSL?

do you have an E-mail account with SSL like yahoo / Gmail…
you can test sending eicar test file…zipped and password protected and not password protected


I not sure myself Cahya

I’m actual repeating text from someone else’s guide

btw my context menu (right-click on file) gives me a nice easy way to make a zip folder for send to avast
(see screenshot)