why do not you -alwil team- add a panel on the virus info page for virus alerts as symantec or CA does? (with the ability to add it on personal websites) : :
thanx in advance ;D ;D ;D
My thought would be, do you need a virus alert when you have auto-update. Whilst you are online reading the virus alert, auto-update is probably downloading the latest additions to the virus pattern file.
By the time there is sufficient information to post an alert, in most cases the virus pattern file will have been updated.
Just my 2 cents/pence worth.
any reply from alwil team ? :
I am new to a avast but i am now run avast 4.1 Build 412 but the auto update is not working jet so i update my self.
But i think an virus alert forum or center wil be a good thing.
I still can`t find how my new antivirus software works ?
But mebe you an i can start an debat about virus minacross ?
I run norton antivirus 2004 not pro on my newest pc
Norton can`t run on my pentium 3 pc
ps: I just instal it last sunday ,avast i mean.
You could start by looking at this thread Users FAQ